Favorite Pocket Knife

That thing is pretty sweet. Thanks for the heads up

Just bought one. Thanks!

A man can never have too many knives…or guns.

Wth… can it still be called a knife then?

Probably going to issue them to the new Boy Scouts
Or whatever they’re going to call them after they changed the name

I heard that nonsense on the radio this morning… absolutely pathetic.

Glad my kids have been done with scouting for a while. Certainly not the same organization it used to be.

Sad to see that another wholesome, American, Organization, has succomed to “Wokeness”!!!

That is pathetic!!

Mixed, lol. You give me the hiccups reading your stuff with all the comma’s, , , , , , , , , , , ,


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Sorry I tend to put a comma when I stop to think about my next comment I’ll try to do a better job and just post a wall of words in the future


Local guys doing good things…

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Anyone like Star Wars?