Fear Mongering Perhaps?

I’ll be the first to admit I’ve had many a knee jerk statement over the decade I’ve posted here. I’ve been wrong several times. But this is probably one that I am spot on, if things don’t change with this administration. We paid 1.2 million in fuel last year. Just two months into this year and we will be paying an extra $800,000 thanks to Biden. I’m guessing by years end diesel will be close to $5.00 which will put us up to 1.2 million more. there just isn’t the profit margin to run like this along with all the extra expenses due to Inflation. Some parts have doubled. I could buy a pallet of Brake drums and get them for $58-$64 a piece. Now the cheapest of any company they are $120-$130. Just small examples. We are going to see many go under over the next year. IMO.

Come crop planting time I’ve talked to Timmy and looks like fertilizer will almost double as well. Your $60 bail of hay will be double. I can only imagine what grocery prices will be come the fall/mid summer. Like Beef? Chicken? Pork? Might be time to start raising your own if you have the means.

I’ve got a bit put aside and I’ll weather this ok, but I fear for a lot of Americans. Things are just starting to get Bleak, I hope the Free Ice Cream Crowd will wake up and realize life isn’t a free ride as promised to them by their liberal educators and our Government. Instead of doing like Warren and claiming to be Indian, might be better to Claim being Black to get a little of the Privilege some are getting . No offense to any Black man or Woman, just stating a truth. When Our president overlooks Brown, White and yellow to Only offer a Job to a Black Woman… That’s just plain racist.

Ok back to work. Love You All!! Not that there are many left. Sorry for being Pizzy with you E.F. You ruffled my feathers a bit on some of your callous comments. I’ll fix you some Turnips one day. Wife Seasoned and Breaded some and then baked them, kind of like

Oh but he’s not raising taxes an any except the rich. I guess he doesn’t realize or just doesn’t care about price increases on commodities and items necessary for everyday living.

The rise in prices of everything will create two classes - the haves and have nots. The have nots will be more dependent on hand outs. The increase in fertilizer prices will hit the food sector hard.

Energy is the one product that goes into almost everything that people need. As energy prices rise, everything follows. Shutting down Keystone was a major blunder.

Pioneer 197SF

Been thinking for a long time that we’re living the Hunger Games movies. All money and power runs through a central district. All others exist to serve that district. Central district is made up grotesque distortions or life. Even the appearance of the people is distorted (see Nancy sitting behind Joe the other night?). The outer districts are hard working people who retain a lot of old simple wisdom and history.

Art imitates life.

SC Judiciary Committee passed the Convention of States resolutions on to the full Senate a week ago. Our House has already passed them. They did two versions of the resolutions. The first addresses just a balanced budget amendment. The second included that plus term limits and narrowing the Commerce clause to restrain the breadth of Gov’t (most all new laws are empowered via the Commerce clause).

On the balanced budget resolution, SC will be the 31st state resolution. We need 34 to call a convention.

This can be done.

Call/email/write your Senator and push them to support these resolutions in the full Senate.

--------------------------- 17' Henry O Hornet w/ Yamaha 115 26' Palmer Scott project hull 14' Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

Never really thought about that, but yes. My daughter was into that series and I had to take her to every movie when they came out. I actually enjoyed them.

I’ve got a new friend that we’ve hit it off pretty well over the last 5 years. I think he may actually believe we are in the matrix or some dream state. Don’t get me wrong he’s a level headed dude and one darn hard worker, but he just can not believe people in our Government and society are actually so stupid. He says it has to be a simulation. :smiley:

I’m gonna still keep my faith in the Lord and believe there is a better place for us all after we make it out of this testing ground/ Matrix. Seems I’m enjoying a good R&R or Crown and Diet Pepsi more these days. Been in a better mood not watching the news so much. What can I do? Pizz and moan, I guess.

He lied, taxes did increase.
If you pay 8% tax on a $10 item & the item goes up to $20 because of Biden inflation then taxes just doubled.

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