Female Tiger Shark Tagged Nov 4...now on OSEARCH.

Originally posted by wildlifesc

Awesome shot! Here’s the latest article on our Hampton Wildlife Fund tiger shark named “Harry Ette” that ran in The Savannah Morning News today…


That’s impressive:

“The Fund has provided more than $3 million over three decades to the SCDNR to assist in areas not funded by state and federal dollars, and to support scholarship programs.”

Thanks, Fred!

3 years ago on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, I had a very special encounter with a Great White at the 4KI. I was c-bass fishing with Caleb (son), and it stayed with the boat for at least 10 minutes. Scary but cool. It was much larger than Mary Lee when she was tagged. I always keep my motor running when drifting the reefs, and it kept trying to “mouth” the motor. I would put it in gear before it could, then it would just follow. On its most aggressive approach, I put the boat half on plane at about 12 knots and it stayed right in the prop wash. I felt like a giant topwater plug!

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by wildlifesc

Just so y’all know, I’m executive director of the Hampton Wildlife Fund…

Had no idea! Cool stuff! Quit a few Tigers getting tagged in our back yard!

What’s your guesstimate on Great Whites in our area? After following Mary Lee, there is no doubt that we have more. I’m just amazed that no one has run across one. Every time I run near Morgan Island I can’t help but think about more Great Whites lurking around.

Raddaddy, thats awesome! Thats definitely a lifetime memory.

Originally posted by RADDADDY

3 years ago on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, I had a very special encounter with a Great White at the 4KI. I was c-bass fishing with Caleb (son), and it stayed with the boat for at least 10 minutes. Scary but cool. It was much larger than Mary Lee when she was tagged. I always keep my motor running when drifting the reefs, and it kept trying to “mouth” the motor. I would put it in gear before it could, then it would just follow. On its most aggressive approach, I put the boat half on plane at about 12 knots and it stayed right in the prop wash. I felt like a giant topwater plug!

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by wildlifesc

Just so y’all know, I’m executive director of the Hampton Wildlife Fund…

Had no idea! Cool stuff! Quit a few Tigers getting tagged in our back yard!

What’s your guesstimate on Great Whites in our area? After following Mary Lee, there is no doubt that we have more. I’m just amazed that no one has run across one. Every time I run near Morgan Island I can’t help but think about more Great Whites lurking around.

Man that is crazy stuff! thanks for sharing. Did you hear the Jaws theme music start playing?