fernandina beach area?

well looks like im moving to the florida georgia line within a short time and i know theres a pier in fernandina beach. my dads uncle that lives there said hes seen somee big tarpon out of that area…anyone know if that piers any good for kings?

ONN- hate to see you go, great contributor! Fernandina is pretty cool place… even though I have never fished the area. I met you on Sullivan’s last summer, both had wives. Wish you the best!!!

come to think of it i do remember meeting you there! ive been here a bit over 2 years and aside from the hectic work schedule loved the charleston area but my time to transfer is very close. not goin too far and ill be sure to pop on now and then…especially since its practically the same kind of fishing and not far away.

Don’t know how soon you have to go but I’m free a good bit right now. If you want we can take my boat (23’ Mako) and play, even if it isn’t perfect you can catch your fill of sharks between the jetties and the harbor. Let me know!!!