I miss living in the Charleston area a lot. But some things at home (Kansas City) are definitely better. Deer hunting and upland game here are amazing. Figured I would share some pictures of my buddy’s trophy room. All these deer were killed on or around his farm. in Osawatamie, KS.
I might do that to my place too…in about another 50 years I’ll have that.
He’s killed some monster deer. We jumped a 14 pointer when we were quail hunting Sunday that was probably bigger than all of these. Closest I’ve ever been to wanting to poach something. lol.
Life is unfair for one guy to be that fortunate. He should ask some of us to help out:smiley:
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.
awsome! My uncle had a barn wall close, but not such large racks.
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”