Firearms Ed, Drivers Ed, Sex Ed.

There are many classic examples of why a US citizen should know how to use a firearm, specifically a rifle or pistol. Many point to Switzerland’s statistics, having a well trained populace and a significantly lower number of violent crimes committed and in the USA…

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More info: This links to a blog authored by the enthusiastic 17 year old young lady who just took 1st place in the NRA Women on Target National Matches in BOTH Smallbore Rifle and High Power Rifle. She is brilliant and beautiful and has a lot to say.

Good read, thanks

So how many out there are teaching your sons and daughters to shoot safely and well?

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - The Messiah

same idea for all three classes… look out where you are pointing that thing

My kids are too young to safely shoot now, but they will absolutely be taught safe firearms handling and use. The Four Rules are all you need and they’re easy to remember.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Not only do I agree with the below I practice it. Everyone in my household over the age of 8 is proficient with a firearm. My wife shoots a pistol better than I. And I’m pretty good.

I also have personally instructed my kids in Driving and been as honest as I can about Human Sexuality. My daughters got the whole truth + don’t trust any young man that tells you they “love you” too soon, as most young men will and do say anything to get in a girls pants. My son got the same only added that he better respect any girl he is ever with. All three got the lecture if they choose to have sex, make sure it is one that he would be willing to marry. … and of the opposite sex. :wink:

From your article LdrummerBoy:

“Firearms safety and handling training should be as integral to education as driver’s education or sex ed. It’s a part of growing up and becoming an informed adult, with a basic knowledge of personal rights and safety. Firearms are a part of American life, through hunting, personal protection, and recreational shooting. All American citizens should receive training to properly handle a firearm. This would greatly reduce the number of gun-related accidents, increase awareness, and contribute to public safety. Organizations like the NRA and affiliates like Louisiana Shooters Unlimited are underutilized resources that can provide this training.”

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by Native_Son

My kids are too young to safely shoot now, but they will absolutely be taught safe firearms handling and use. The Four Rules are all you need and they’re easy to remember.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Every parent needs to decide when their children are capable of safely handling and absorbing firearms training. Here is the author of the article with her first deer. She explains:

I have been shooting since I was a little girl. You could say that I have been preparing for most of my life. I shot my first deer at age 5.

At age 6, I was moving through the NRA small-bore rifle qualifications. When asked how long I have been shooting, answering vaguely with “about a decade” raises some eyebrows. My dad started me shooting in our backyard (we had a lot of space :)) when I was very young. The motivation started as “Everyone should know how to handle a rifle, and use it.” I am lucky enough to live in a free country, but that freedom comes with a price, as the many members of the American armed forces know well. Shooting is a recreational sport for me, one that I enjoy, but the skills gained can mean the difference in living or dying. America’s founders thought it so important, the “right to keep and bear arms” was the Second Amendment to the Constitution! I want to have the skills to exercise my rights, “bear arms”, not just keep them. from

One seldom acquires a very high level or proficiency in sporting disciplines unless practice opportunities are provided by the parents at a young age. Starting at 12 is cer