first offshore trip

7:25 got on the water about 6 went straight out and got to the spot about 8. found a nice weed line and trolled it about 3 minitues after we set the plainer rod was set pulled up an ok king. went about an hour and a half before we had two wahoo hits but spit the hook. before those two hits we caught about 5 cudas. kept trolling the area for an hour nothin so we piced up and moved. we ended up finding a really nice live bottom caught more cudas. decided to give it another shot turned around and came across it this time we had a 50+ wahoo on i grabded the rod he made a 40 yd run before breaking off. keept catching cudas and circled back had 3 rods go off one after another but all wahoo broke us off or spit the hook. fishing with 50 lb test with a 100 lb test leader mono. caught a nother king and a cuple more cudas. circle back and got a wahoo to the boat before he spit the hook some more cudas circle back again this time final circle i caught a little 8 lb dolphin acuple cudas and a few more break offs by wahoo. we ended up with 2 kings about 7 lost wahoo 1 dolphin and about 20 do you put pics on

or jpg

time to change the line… or the leader…no excuse for that many breakoffs…try momoi 130 or 200…works great for us with the hoos…rubber hook is one thing…boy that would have been some great eathing if you got all them to the boat… good report though… at least you had your chances…

all rite thanx for the advice

How could you tell they were wahoo that spit the hooks? Did you see the bite? Whenever we have a wahoo on, I try to stay on the wheel b/c it seems most spit hooks occur when the wahoo turns and comes at the boat and the angler cant pick up the slack fast enough.

23T with twin 200’s

most of the wahoo would take the bait out of the water

we use about 8 to 10 inches of wire attached to our leader ahead of the hook which decreases the cutoffs but doesn’t take away from the purpose of using the mono or fluorocarbon. Either try this or all wire rigs.

Glad to hear you had a lot of action.

Funny how they’re always wahoo when they get away.

ya weatherbuoy we are going tomaro and are using wire

I’ve had pretty good luck with wahoo using trailer hooks with ballyhoo but don’t re-use them because as we found out thursday they get weak if re-used! Also, use a toothpick to secure the switch if you are using one to the line just in front of the bait or when the hoo runs the switch slides up the line and tempts hoo #2 to take a swipe at it and cut you off. And try to keep the fish on the same side of the boat so it does not cut back across the line and go bye, bye…easier said than done! But then again, hook and release is not a bad thing!

I’ve heard that other wahoos will bite the swivel as it makes a bubble trail through the water resulting in cut offs. any truth to that?

dont know how much of a bubble trail an spro makes but we have had great success with 12 inches of #80 or #105 wire…

grady and timmy if you read this again you should no who it is and timmy no more kisses