Fisher of Men

God is good and will never leave you nor forsake you! He did not give us the spirit of fear! He gave us the spirit of Power, of Love and of Sound Mind! Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit and you will be filled with Power, Love and a Sound Mind!
Share your testimony, it could be what helps open your brothers eyes!

God Bless,
Capt Buddy Bizzell
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

“Come follow me.” Jesus said “I will make you a fisher of men.”
Matthew 4:19

When fishing for men, what size hooks are we talking? Circles? I guess you could bait it with a steak or tofurkey burger depending on your targeted species.

The same hook is used every time! That is very important! It’s the same size hook that’s in your mouth! You can start pulling drag any time, it’s set at 200lbs!

God Bless,
Capt Buddy Bizzell
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

“Come follow me.” Jesus said “I will make you a fisher of men.”
Matthew 4:19

Or you can use a John 3:16 ratio reel, with a Romans 10:9 ft. Rod, with 1,000 lb. Test ‘steadfast’ line to hold tight. Then use a 3 (for Trinity)/0 hook, with an infinity bait, and conditions change, use a John 14:26 Holy Spirit teaching twist to your line.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”