Looking at the weather forecasts after the storm passes, looks like monday and tuesday might not be bad days to bottom bump… Wondering if anyone know’s what the fishing is like following a storm? Obviously diving is a waste of time…
All about timing and location. Generally, a big storm shocks everything for a few days. This means drastically different behavior. Sometimes this means easier for you to catch em, but it can just as easily mean harder for you to catch em. There are definately species and areas that will turn on very strong after a storm like this, though.
The ocean will be in a state you rarely see on Monday and Tuesday. Be mindful that lots of floating and partially submerged debris will be in the water. Have seen sea buoys and boats broken from their moorings floating randomly 30-50 miles offshore after weather like we’ll be having. Also, it’s very possible that emergency response folks that we can normally count on to quickly respond may be abnormally busy elsewhere to help those who may have been harmed by the storm in our region.
Luke 8:22-25
Thats some good info Phin, thank you for sharing.
21seapro 150 yam
Good point phin…maybe ill fish inshore…or finish polishing the boat…
“The Wet Dream”
20’ Pioneer 197
150hp Suzuki 4-Stroke
I would imagine they feed better BEFORE the storm due to the dropping barometric pressure… At least that is what popped into my head in Holliday Inn Express last night…
Originally posted by skinneejI would imagine they feed better BEFORE the storm due to the dropping barometric pressure… At least that is what popped into my head in Holliday Inn Express last night…
Holiday Inn Express?
Are you sure you didn’t learn about how mercury works whilst earning your Mr. T Gold Chain Starter Set* king fishing down there?
Luke 8:22-25
I’ll have to discuss that with my new fishing friends during our ritual pre-fishing breakfast… at IHOP… Nobody down here likes to go offshore before a full belly and a warm cup of Joe. Thinking about trading my radar in for something more useful.
no more getting up at 3 am?!
I have heard that a storm like this drives the flounder up into the creeks…?
bgf… I think that HUGO actually drove flounder up into the TREES…
I didn’t have time to fish much after Hugo… but you are probably right!