Fishing in "Ditches" or "Canal" - Legal?

I have noticed “Posted Signs” along the edges of many “ditches, canals, or creeks” (Whatever you call them) around Winyah Bay.
There are no gates blocking the entrance only these signs.

Is fishing prohibited in these ditches, or are the signs there to keep people from getting out of the boat and onto the land?

{I know of some guys who used to hunt hogs w/ dogs in these marshes years ago & I think they ended up getting into trespassing trouble because of it. They would put the dogs in their boat, ride the ditches, & turn the dogs loose when they jumped a hog or the dogs
“winded” the hog".)

My understanding is that “If a boat can enter the canal & it is navigable, it is legal to fish from the boat.”

Figured I start here with the question before contacting DNR.

Thanks for your response.
Am also ready for a few “comedians” to chime in as well… :wink:

If you can access a place on low water without pushing or pulling your boat, I think you are ok. You need to double check that though.

18’ Hewes Bayfisher/115 4 Stroke Yamaha/6’Powerpole, etc

Alot of that land are kings grants and do not have the same “regulations” as normal areas. A lot of those dikes or ditches are also man made and not natural, believe there are some guidelines for that as well. If you cross the tideline into “fresh water”, the low tide rule doesn’t apply. I know for a fact that there is a large kings grant going up the black and wacccamaw and all those dikes and ditches are privately owned, you can be arrested for tresspassing if you enter. I would take notice of the signs and stay out. There are too many good fishing spots in that area that you don’t need to possibly trespass.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Thanks for the responses.
I agree. I think I’ll check with DNR before venturing into these areas.

And yes U R right, there are too many other good areas to fish w/o risking a trespass violation.

Everyone here knows I’m not scared to voice my opinion …nobody should. I just don’t understand how you can get a ticket for going in a place that has no gate and is tidal water…as long as you do not get out your boat and rummage around to kill something…Then it is trespassing </font id=“size2”> This Kings Grant thing is BS. IMHO :wink:

I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!

Has obama declared himself king?

I’d rather fish than eat.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

In God We Trust

Folks who think they are gods do not condescend to call him/herself a king.

Originally posted by DOCTOR

Everyone here knows I’m not scared to voice my opinion …nobody should. I just don’t understand how you can get a ticket for going in a place that has no gate and is tidal water…as long as you do not get out your boat and rummage around to kill something…Then it is trespassing </font id=“size2”> This Kings Grant thing is BS. IMHO :wink:

I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!

From what I have read, the actual deed or plot from the kings grant has to have specific language that showing that the grant was intended to go below the high water line. There are not many of those grants that are still left.
Doc, I partially agree with you, but you need to look at it from a different angle. These properties are “grandfathered”. If they raise the SS age to 70 and you are already receiving SS under the age of 70, they would not take it away, you would be grandfathered in. Under the assualy weapons ban from the 90’s, people that already had the weapons were grandfathered in, they did not have to surrender their weapons. This is the same situation.
Under the kings grants properties cannot restrict travel from point a to point b in navigatable rivers and streams, the key being point a to b. If you are trying to navigate a river that has no point b other than private property, they can restrict entrance.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jef

Doc, there are places where because of the Kings Grant that the people actually own to the main run of the river and you can’t even anchor on their land. I think it is BS but that’s the law.

Key West 186Yamaha150 4 stroke
One Day at a time!
Never take life seriuosly. Nobody makes it out alive anyway

Originally posted by Gatorgitter

Doc, there are places where because of the Kings Grant that the people actually own to the main run of the river and you can’t even anchor on their land. I think it is BS but that’s the law.
</font id=“size2”>
</font id=“red”>
Key West 186Yamaha150 4 stroke
One Day at a time!
Never take life seriuosly. Nobody makes it out alive anyway</font id=“size3”>

AGREED…:smiley: I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with it anymore…:stuck_out_tongue:

I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!

Is this the area you guys are referring to?
I saw a 1 hr. program about this area on ETV the other night and this woman, Belle Baruch used to fly her plane over the property and had any hunters and fishermen she saw arrested for trespassing.

Carolina Stories

The Baruchs of Hobcaw #506

Wednesday, January 9, 08:00 pm on SCC

Duration: 0:56:46

Description: Bernard Baruch and his daughter Belle protect a pristine seaside colonial land grant in South Carolina.

I’d rather fish than eat.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

In God We Trust

And on the other side of Hwy 17; The Vanderbilt family does the same from what I have heard.

Seafoam Southport 26 CC
Z-Man Pro Staff
MMSI# 338111423
FishRazr Teazers
This space for rent!

Originally posted by KAJA

And on the other side of Hwy 17; The Vanderbilt family does the same from what I have heard.

Seafoam Southport 26 CC
Z-Man Pro Staff
MMSI# 338111423
FishRazr Teazers
This space for rent!

Pate, ie Venderbilts, actually own a large section of the Waccamaw river, about a 7 mile stretch.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

See the posting on the Hilton Head and Beaufort forum and go down to “stay off the seawall” and read the newspaper clipping about all below high tide line! I clears up all this mess