Fishing out the 2024

Fished Monday and Tuesday tightening lines and the year end. Early morning start know I have a problem with my Trim/Tilt motor but managed. Both days the trout bite was on and Reds were a hit or miss. The water was calm and flat as can be as I travelled to a few spots

After a few hours had a nice stock of fish. Released 14"ers and kept 3-15" to 17" for the games fish fry.

As I headed to the Hill I instead ran to a Bushy Park spot and managed a 20+ Red
What away to close out the Year. Awaiting my mechanics availability to get me up and running again.


Way to go out lile a champ! Great pics and report, thanks!

Here’s to an incredible 2025 as well, cheers!


Awesome! Good times

Nice way to end the year. I resolve to get on the water more this year. I may not catch anything but getting out there is half the fun.

Thanks for the pictures and report, brother! You’re one of the few that keeps this place going.

DFreedom you just need to get out there and wet the lines.

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Oh, don’t I know it Brother. I am going to do my best to do so in early spring. May just bring my kayak down and fish from it until I can get my boat seaworthy again. Just need to get on the water. Until then, I will just enjoy your posts as well as others.

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aren’t boats fun to maintain?

Not!!! Man o man this can be an expense no matter whats repaired

Yeah, especially when you have a “honey do” list that never gets shorter.

let’s discuss these fish fry’s