Alright, who’s been? About time for the annual trout on the rocks, ain’t it? I am absolutely burning up to go, but, alas, I have to work pretty steady until April 30. So, if you’ve been, post up some catches and pictures. You don’t have to give away your spot. Us locked down folks like to know at least someone is getting out! LOL
32 views and no reports. Dang y’all!!! Come on!!!
I’ve been locked down myself. 32 views in a day shows how much everybody WANTS to go…
Pheonix 29 Sportfish (Lagniappe)
Shamrock 20 Cuddy (Cuda Catcher)
Key West 1520 Explorer (Baby Boat)
Wind forecast dosent help either. I think we are all on lock down with work. Got the fever BAD!
18’ Hewes Bayfisher
Ain’t it the truth, Goob??? I am going to get the boat ready this week. Hopefully, I’ll get the chance to go before I internally combust from wanting to go so bad!!! LOL
Info? I have bote work but I’d rather go bump the rocks. I didn’t do anything last weekend.
I went on Sunday. Strong NE wind. Fished low to 3+ hrs. rising. I couldn’t get a dang bite in any of the usual community holes by flounder, trout or reds using mudd minnows, and vudu shrimp. I still haven’t figured the area out very well but no one I talked to were doing anything either.
16’ High Tide Flats (Green) w/Yamaha 90
Wilderness Ride 135
Wilderness Tarpon 120