Flies for 12/24 trip

My brother is an avid fly fisherman in North GA. He’s coming down here for Christmas and we’re going out at daylight on Christmas Eve. He want’s to tie some flies for this trip. We’ll be targeting trout and would love to get a red too. I told him to look into shrimp and minnow patterns, include gold into the colors and try to have some contrast in the minnow body. Are there any patterns he should look into or tips that I wouldn’t know to give him?

Thanks! Hopefully we’ll have something to show off for Christmas!

I would tone down the colors in the winter months… not that gold wont work, but it can be too aggressive sometimes depending on the water color. Tie a bunch of black, Black/white, and Olive/white clousers… vary the weight of the eyes for the depth of the water and you’ll be good to go. You can throw the lighter ones in shallow for redfish, and the heavier ones around oyster points and such for sea trout… No need to get complicated.

have fun.

Mad Mike

Just because you don’t like what I tell you, don’t mean it aint true…

Thanks Mike! I’ll pass this along to him. We’ve been catching trout, can’t find the reds though. I definitely like to over complicate my rigs.