Floating garbage and sewage

Originally posted by Great White

RBF mostly trolls nowadays but he’s nothing like Skinee or DH. He seems to like to cast out food for thought more than fighting for one side or another.

And, how do you know it's not skinnee testing out new ideas in parallel persona (RBF) while also taking a side in the traditional persona (skinneej)? Hmmm...

And, why am I talking in 3rd person here?

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Great White

RBF mostly trolls nowadays but he’s nothing like Skinee or DH. He seems to like to cast out food for thought more than fighting for one side or another.

And, how do you know it's not skinnee testing out new ideas in parallel persona (RBF) while also taking a side in the traditional persona (skinneej)? Hmmm...

And, why am I talking in 3rd person here?

Be very, very quiet… RBF is talking in 4th person…


“Make America Sane Again.”

What if everyone but Fred is Skinnee(s)? You’re in the matrix Fred

First, Most, Biggest


Ask Cracker Larry, SJ, Mixed Nutz if RBF is an alias…

My name is Will… I have been around this site since the beginning. I was Salt Shaker, got band aided in 2009 and am now RBF. You seem to have dementia… I have told you this like more times than Hoppy have been band aided…


“Make America Sane Again.”

RBF, you still have that Key West?

Originally posted by Bluewaterbeaux

Ask Cracker Larry, SJ, Mixed Nutz if RBF is an alias…

My name is Will… I have been around this site since the beginning. I was Salt Shaker, got band aided in 2009 and am now RBF. You seem to have dementia… I have told you this like more times than Hoppy have been band aided…


“Make America Sane Again.”

RBF, you still have that Key West?

Yep, still have the place in Key West…



“Make America Sane Again.”

Florida is pretty tragic. Does anyone know anyone down there that has actual firsthand accounts of how severe it is? Every newscast I see is the same (**() harbor/marina where it’s thick.

It never ends , Rio ; on the news as I peck this out, they’ve just discovered what is described as a SUPER BACTERIA in the water the contestants are going to compete in. Probably be better to just compete in the sewer ; oh wait Is that not what they’re doing,…[:0]Don’t think I would be going down there…


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Probably be better to just compete in the sewer ; oh wait Is that not what they're doing,..Don't think I would be going down there...

Me either, not even for topless beaches. I’m really surprised they haven’t cancelled them, but that would be unprecedented. This won’t go well.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper