Floating garbage and sewage

Any one else see the news report about the Olympic games in Rio?
Scenes of garbage and sewage flowing and floating thick enough to almost walk on , and they are hosting the water sports in that Shat[:0][:0].</font id=“red”>I don’t like to even put my boat in the Catawba/Wateree river system; and won’t eat any fish out of it or let the grands play in it; because of all the sewage dumped into the river from upstate, sad part is ,it all ends up eventually in Charleston harbor , my favorite fishing hole, but at least there are 4-5 large sediment ponds (wylie , fishing creek , lake wareree , marion , moultrie ) to let it dilute and settle out some before it gets there! But I still stand by pollution as the #1 reason for most of the decline in fishery…:frowning_face::frowning_face:Now look at whats happening in Fla… We had better get serious before ours looks like Rio’s !!!</font id=“size4”></font id=“red”>


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Just saw some of the mess down in Florida on the news. They’ve got a real problem down there.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Oh, I thought this was a Tromped post…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Oh, I thought this was a Tromped post…


“Make America Sane Again.”

We save our praise of Trump and truth in lies about hilary for the political section… DH.

To get you up to speed, this has nothing to do with Trump and your dislike of him. Or is it the fact that your libertarian party is a joke and disaster and you are just lashing out at Trump just because he happens to be the only one that can take Hilary?

RBF/DH, I don’t know who you are as an alias or what your angle is, but you sir (using the term lightly) are a self admitted liar and a shat stirrer. Actually thought you could be an alias for skinnyj from some of your first post. probably not, but a thought. You came on this sight with too much previous knowledge of everyone to be a new member.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Oh, I thought this was a Tromped post…


“Make America Sane Again.”

We save our praise of Trump and truth in lies about hilary for the political section… DH.

To get you up to speed, this has nothing to do with Trump and your dislike of him. Or is it the fact that your libertarian party is a joke and disaster and you are just lashing out at Trump just because he happens to be the only one that can take Hilary?

RBF/DH, I don’t know who you are as an alias or what your angle is, but you sir (using the term lightly) are a self admitted liar and a shat stirrer. Actually thought you could be an alias for skinnyj from some of your first post. probably not, but a thought. You came on this sight with too much previous knowledge of everyone to be a new member.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Ask Cracker Larry, SJ, Mixed Nutz if RBF is an alias…

My name is Will… I have been around this site since the beginning. I was Salt Shaker, got band aided in 2009 and am now RBF. You seem to have dementia… I have told you this like more times than Hoppy have been band aided…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Ask Cracker Larry, SJ, Mixed Nutz if RBF is an alias…

My name is Will… I have been around this site since the beginning. I was Salt Shaker, got band aided in 2009 and am now RBF. You seem to have dementia… I have told you this like more times than Hoppy have been band aided…

can’t speak for sj or mixed nutz, but as for Cracker Larry… he was not on this forum in 2009 rbf.

as for dementia, don’t thinks so? but maybe? I’m too lazy to search, but I remember you specifically stating you were nothing but a liar and do not believe anything you say. I’ll go with that. After all it is what you stated.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

How did pollution in Rio and Fla end up with Trump???:question:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I saw all that garbage floating, where people are supposed to be sailing and rowing, I hope not swimming. It is disgusting. If I was a competitor I wouldn’t go. I see many are bowing out, for multiple reasons. Sad. Who picked that place for the Olympics anyway :question: Haiti might have been a better choice. Savannah, GA did a great job hosting the summer Olympics, and I made a lot of money with my boat :smiley:

Ask Cracker Larry,

He’s real. I know his name, address and phone number. None of which I will share without permission. I’ll share mine, but his is up to him.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Ask Cracker Larry, SJ, Mixed Nutz if RBF is an alias…

My name is Will… I have been around this site since the beginning. I was Salt Shaker, got band aided in 2009 and am now RBF. You seem to have dementia… I have told you this like more times than Hoppy have been band aided…

can’t speak for sj or mixed nutz, but as for Cracker Larry… he was not on this forum in 2009 rbf.

as for dementia, don’t thinks so? but maybe? I’m too lazy to search, but I remember you specifically stating you were nothing but a liar and do not believe anything you say. I’ll go with that. After all it is what you stated.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I kid around a lot… You take it seriously… Yes, I said I was a liar… However, you believe me when I say I am liar, but don’t believe me when I say I am not an alias for anyone. I have one login, that’s it…

Either way, believe what you want…

I hope you have a great 4th, and that’s no lie :wink:


“Make America Sane Again.”

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

I kid around a lot… You take it seriously… Yes, I said I was a liar… However, you believe me when I say I am liar, but don’t believe me when I say I am not an alias for anyone. I have one login, that’s it…( hard to pick and choose what you decide to tell the truth about and where the self admitted lies start, can’t blame me)</font id=“red”></font id=“size2”>

Either way, believe what you want…Yes sir , I will</font id=“red”></font id=“size2”>.

I hope you have a great 4th, and that’s no lie :wink:… I’ll take that for the truth and thank you for it. Wifes fixing some dishes to carry over to mom and dads, going to lounge around the pool and eat stuff. </font id=“red”></font id=“size2”>


“Make America Sane Again.”

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

What a turrible idea to have the Olympics there. I’m sure there was some payoffs involved.

I know its repeating myself , but news media reporting largest
cause of algae bloom in Fla. caused by basicly fertilizer run off into
Lake Oki. and then into gulf and ocean… Cracker Larry, I think was first to point out pollution and I wholly agree it’s mainly the cause of fishery decline…


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by gail wins

How did pollution in Rio and Fla end up with Trump???:question:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

It happens when you have someone on a forum that rarely contributes anything usefull to a conversation.

One Simple Thanks!!


You used to me named salt shaker? Is that the name of your boat also? It’s a 35 everglades.

“Richard Beer Froth” is my alias, do not believe anything we say!!! :wink:

The pollution in Rio is really disgusting, I think a couple people went down last year to do some recon and after being on the water for only a short time and ended up very sick. Golfers are pulling out because of the ZIKA Virus, I cannot believe the watersports competitors have not said more. From what I have read the Olympic committee stated the tests that have been done from the water shows its not that bad.They are working on cleaning up. Maybe they should have thought about that years ago when they new the event would be there.“I say Bull”
This morning on the news stated that sailboats that went down to practice are now a nice brown color.Y ou gotta be kidding.I sure would not want someone from my family in that gunk.

Originally posted by skinneej

“Richard Beer Froth” is my alias, do not believe anything we say!!! :wink:

Shh. Or, you’ll get me, and me, band aided…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Originally posted by birddawg

You used to me named salt shaker? Is that the name of your boat also? It’s a 35 everglades.

Nope, not mine…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Originally posted by Fred67 RBF/DH, I don't know who you are as an alias or what your angle is, but you sir (using the term lightly) are a self admitted liar and a shat stirrer. Actually thought you could be an alias for skinnyj from some of your first post. probably not, but a thought. You came on this sight with too much previous knowledge of everyone to be a new member.

RBF mostly trolls nowadays but he’s nothing like Skinee or DH. He seems to like to cast out food for thought more than fighting for one side or another.

He’s gut hook RBF time to tie a new rig on.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White
Originally posted by Fred67 RBF/DH, I don't know who you are as an alias or what your angle is, but you sir (using the term lightly) are a self admitted liar and a shat stirrer. Actually thought you could be an alias for skinnyj from some of your first post. probably not, but a thought. You came on this sight with too much previous knowledge of everyone to be a new member.

RBF mostly trolls nowadays but he’s nothing like Skinee or DH. He seems to like to cast out food for thought more than fighting for one side or another.

He’s gut hook RBF time to tie a new rig on.

First, Most, Biggest

RBF does tend to ante up disruptive and rational side(s) of certain hot topics…

An original thought may be a novel idea around this joint…


“Make America Sane Again.”