Flood Insurance Surcharge

Got a letter in the mail today stating a $250 surcharge would be added to all non-resident, and $25 to permanent residents.

This will apply every year…gotta love it:angry:

On a side note, I just got off the phone with our insurance folks in Beaufort and I was told the flood maps are being redrawn and some that were not previously in a flood zone, will be when the new maps come out.



Revenue generator

You should be able to keep your current flood zone rates as long as you don’t let your policy lapse, you’re basically grandfathered. But if you have a home that is not properly elevated by the most recent maps I would sell it now… No telling if the pre-firm subsidized rates will be around forever, or just phase out in a couple years.

double N

I got that too. pisses me right off.

the bigger the flood plain, the more units brought in to ‘the program’ subsidize the true high risk ones. but what do I know?

i’m sure some engineer or govt person in the NFIP would tell me how i’m wrong.

at first i wasnt too keen on my house being raised off the ground 7’

but now i sure am glad with the new maps coming out!

[i] the bigger the flood plain, the more units brought in to 'the program' subsidize the true high risk ones.


I was also told that the money collected was no different than SS…just another bucket to scoop from:angry:!

I don’t know if this is true, but how surprising would that be:question:



Originally posted by DoubleN

Got a letter in the mail today stating a $250 surcharge would be added to all non-resident, and $25 to permanent residents.

This will apply every year…gotta love it:angry:

On a side note, I just got off the phone with our insurance folks in Beaufort and I was told the flood maps are being redrawn and some that were not previously in a flood zone, will be when the new maps come out.



That is what happens when the Federal government gets into the insurance business.