Follow up Dfreedoms Florida report

Got to Port Charlotte Saturday night. Boca Grande pass Sunday morning. Lots of dead fish. And super strong smell. Moved in a couple miles in Turtle Bay. Still quite a few dead fish. Watched a gator trout rolling on top of the water and died. Fished Monday up around the Peace River/Punta Gorda. Water much cleaner and no Dead fish. Manage a couple saltwater catfish. And a couple small snapper. Did not fish today. Moving to Tampa Bay tomorrow. Going to run the beach & the Skyway Bridge hope to get on some tarpon.

You are seeing what we have seen and why we haven’t ventured up to the Turtle Bay area. We are south of that area on the northern tip of Pine Island and after hearing about the red tide from locals, I just couldn’t see making a 6-7 mile run for that. Good luck in Tampa.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?