Folly Beach Bans Shark Fishing From Pier

Probably a smart thing to do, but quick question, what if I just happen to snag a shark whilst trying to lure another species of fish. Would I be guilty of “shark fishing”? Please advise.

Nothing really changes, if you accidentally manage to hook a shark you simply cut your line or do best to break it off. Is my understand that no more bringing sharks onto pier, which is welcomed as the constant blood on pier was frustrating to see.

Wait, I thought shark fishing was already banned on the pier. I thought the proposal was to ban shark fishing on the surrounding beach.

Yes and yes, it is now banned and illegal on a certain area of Folly Beach. I do not have the exact streets that it is being enforced handy but I do know it is now a crime and punished with fine on both beach and pier.

i’m confused, I thought shark fishing was already banned from the pier. Additionally, I thought ALL fishing was already banned in public swimming areas protected by lifeguards (like down at the county park). I will admit I don’t know all the rules, but whenever I asked the lifeguards at the county where I was allowed to fish last summer, and they told me anywhere outside the flags. Additionally, what is the point of fishing in a crowded publicly guarded area, it’s crowded and such a hassle.

Out of curiosity, I also just looked up the streets in the new ordinance. (between third east and third west) which sounds very similar to crowded/guarded areas.

Hopefully this isn’t the beginning to some crazy beach-wide ban. That would be ludicrous.

I think idea is even at night? Not too sure, the meeting was apparently lat night and was not made very public.

Interesting, I get their intent I guess, but I’m not sure it would be very effective. 50-100 people on the pier soaking cut mullet and squid probably attracts more sharks than one or two guys with a couple big baits out. sounds like a knee jerk reaction just like the alcohol ban.

its a simple thing really…
costal Carolina beaches are few and far between… the accessible beaches are tourist and that is money coming in. people on the beaches is good for business…

look at the costline… from little river to nmb you have nothing… than nmb to myrtle you have tourist beach… this extends to pawleys basically… a few sections are private beaches as well… from pawleys to mt p you have nothing really… so mt p and folly are really the Charleston beaches… than nothing really till what edisto Hilton head area… really tho the beach is very slim and what you can get to is built to market tourists…

now we can look at what horry/myrtle did and banned sharking all together this basically takes from nmb all the way to surfside as a no shark zone… I know of 2 exceptions 1 household actually owns its own stretch of beach and is in myrtle beach… the other is a private island that is a “plantation” again requires permission from the property owner and in that case would also require them escorting you as its a decent haul from the gate to beach… they use utv’s for this
than we look at pawleys its basically the only spot its legal till you hit mtp… sure you could do Georgetown lighthouse island it would require a boat and the tide swing is massive and is no way on or off the island… people do camp it tho.

all in all its a money thing and them protecting the tourists and money trail… the more sharks they see on the beach the less likely people are to go in the water. the less time in the water the less time at the beach and in shops ect ect…

land base shark fishing is allot like public sex the idea is not to get caught… unfortunately some members wanted to do the thing anytime and got a spotlight shined on them… allot of us knew it was coming

the bad part is now that the light has been shined and the ball is rolling it can only get worse not better… government dosnt really take rules away they like to extend them further…

all in all its a money thing and them protecting the tourists and money trail... the more sharks they see on the beach the less likely people are to go in the water. the less time in the water the less time at the beach and in shops ect ect..

Exactly. Shark fishing has been illegal on Tybee Island for years, for the same reason. Seeing sharks scares off the tourists.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

The new ban doesn’t bother me . It extends from 3rd st. east to 3rd st. west . This area is full of swimmers and surfers most of the time.

^^This, it is mainly to allow punishing of the shark fishing off pier. Last year a group of people were fishing from pier in “team” t shirts that said Folly Shark Fishing Team haha. A lot of flare ups out there prob were too much for management. Now they do not even have do more than threaten a call to the police, since it is now illegal and not just a “law” on the pier.

Mikeyloo, the ban doesn’t directly influence me either. I would never fish that close because of all the swimmers. However, does this ban not set a huge precedent not only for folly but other popular beaches like IOP and Sullivans?

They can take my shark rod from my cold, dead fingers…

I am always shocked to see people fishing and swimming in the same immediate area.

at of the day its boils down to a money trail… and in no circumstance does “land based shark fishing” generate revenue and does nothing for the beach but detract from it.

but hey members who wanted the light got and now look the whole community is paying for it… they were told 5 years ago to keep it under the radar and not think your going to change peoples views… they also said a ban would never pass in sc… how about it now??? who was right all along…?? again its only going to get worse so thx 4 that…

Originally posted by sc_shark

but hey members who wanted the light got and now look the whole community is paying for it… they were told 5 years ago to keep it under the radar and not think your going to change peoples views… they also said a ban would never pass in sc… how about it now??? who was right all along…?? again its only going to get worse so thx 4 that…

In agreement 100%

Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.