Anybody else see that 125+ lb doe on the side of the road in front of Parks Auto? Where the heck did she come from? That’s a fairly urbanized section of Folly Rd. The man probably stopped short when chasin only to watch his prize get mauled on Folly. Sad.
there is a large path of cover crossing the island right near wal mart. I watched a doe wait for the light and cross right in front of my truck at the wal mart light a couple years ago
You sure it wasn’t bloated?
Tall Sail Marine
In January last year I saw an 8 point on the ramp from I-26 to I-526. Came by the next morning and someone had cut the horns off…
Originally posted by ReelShockIn January last year I saw an 8 point on the ramp from I-26 to I-526. Came by the next morning and someone had cut the horns off…
We had a guy did that and tried to brag about shooting the deer. He didn’t know a fellow worker saw him on the side of the road with the deer.
Seems many does are having a lot of fawns in and around people activity. Put out some camera’s and you’d be surprised how close deer come to houses during the night. They don’t need much area to hide and bed up during the day.
“Why Bruce?”
Saw deer right next to the condo at Meridian place
right down from wal mart. They don’t seem to
care about people at all.
I did take bloating into account on the weight. She was big and got hit the night prior. Bloating size was the biggest doe I’ve ever seen by far. She was gone by that afternoon. Wish I could get rights for the property between grimball rd and the county park. Anybody legally hunt that? Thats some prime real estate.
There have been bucks on the beach at Folly.
Tall Sail Marine