Guys just moved over to SC last year and we were able to find a deer lease around Lumberton NC. The owner is a very nice guy and has allowed us to plant food plots on the property. We hunted it last year and had a good amount of deer on the cameras by our feeders. But I was just wondering what type of food plots seems to work best in this area. The plots will be on pretty good size trails about 25-30 yards wide and about 75-100 yards long. Most of the trails get minimal sunlight. The surrounding fields around the woods are corn and soybeans. I know the deer will be wanting to feed in those fields but we are all bow hunters and look for something that might hold them in food plot areas as well. Any advise would be appreciated.
Lots of options. Best to keep food year round to keep deer localized as possible. Usually around September we’ll plant a mixture of Turnip, rape, radish (white icicle), winter peas, and rye grass. You can go with the super high dollar stuff or go to a local feed store ( I use Benton’s in Walterboro) and buy all the seed separate in bulk. By this time of year all you’ll have left with a hard freeze will be Rye grass and some scattered turnips. It’s good until it gets hot out. Then I like to buy clay peas mixed with some soybean a little egyptian wheat, millet, and whatever you think you might want to see grow! Throw in a few dollars worth of collard or some kale?
Note when using clay peas/ iron peas (field peas) don’t be discouraged by having to plant them over a few times. Deer have been know to take out an entire field in a couple of nights.
Get a couple of the cheap 50# brown salt/mineral blocks and put a few out.
Another good idea is to take some soil sample to Clemson extension to see what what kind of fertilizer will be needed or lime. Soil prep is the most important issue in a good food plot.
also get a couple of timed feeders and keep corn out all year long. Since you stated bowhunting, if you are able, visit your plot and corn feeders as often as you can. Deer will get used to your scent and not be spooked as easily. Squirrel will become a nuisance to your corn feeders so thin them out as much as possible… when they are in season.
Thanks Fred! Great advise and I will check into getting soil samples. We have our feeders out and the corn doesn’t stay on the ground long. Does anyone around here use rice bran? That was big in Louisiana and the deer would eat an entire #40 bag in just a day or two. High protein and they loved it. We have put in several mineral sites also but it seems as though they will only hit certain ones that we put out and total ignore the others. Again thanks for the advise. All great suggestions!
Thanks Fred! Great advise and I will check into getting soil samples. We have our feeders out and the corn doesn’t stay on the ground long. Does anyone around here use rice bran? That was big in Louisiana and the deer would eat an entire #40 bag in just a day or two. High protein and they loved it. We have put in several mineral sites also but it seems as though they will only hit certain ones that we put out and total ignore the others. Again thanks for the advise. All great suggestions!
Sea Hunt
BX 22 BR
Carolina Blue
I believe the rice bran is more for fat than protein. Cottonseed meal is what you want for protein. Another neat thing is to buy some Cheap peanut butter in plastic containers. Nail it to a tree about belly high and cut about a 1 1/2" hole in it. You will be amazed how clean they will get that jar!
Never used any rice bran, hard enough buying enough corn. I know a place that uses a mixture of rice bran, cottonseed meal, corn, beefmaster, bird seed, and a little trace mineral granules to boot. They put in covered feed troughs year round and reserve the area for limited trophy hunts. Never hunted there but have seen some of the deer on the property. Fantastic.
Thanks Fred. I have to make a run to Louisiana in August for a visit. I am going to grab three or four bags of peanut butter rice bran, that seemed to attract most of the deer there, at least more so that plain rice bran. I will let you know how it works. Also do you know if any local feed co-ops sell flavored corn? Persimmon or apple flavored? I found some apple at Wall Mart but it smelled like plain old corn that I get at the Tractor Supply.
Thanks Fred. I have to make a run to Louisiana in August for a visit. I am going to grab three or four bags of peanut butter rice bran, that seemed to attract most of the deer there, at least more so that plain rice bran. I will let you know how it works. Also do you know if any local feed co-ops sell flavored corn? Persimmon or apple flavored? I found some apple at Wall Mart but it smelled like plain old corn that I get at the Tractor Supply.
Sea Hunt
BX 22 BR
Carolina Blue
I’ve know some to poor attractant over corn, but I haven’t seen where it does any better than just plain corn. Never seen any bagged in feed stores pre scented.
I have used the peanut butter in the past. The one thing I ran into was it seems if you use it early in the year the heat seems to melt it down and I lost most of it onto the ground. But the deer do love it!!! Same with Fanta Strawberry Cola poured onto the Acorn Rage and corn. I make a mix with it and it doesn’t last long. If I put it out it is usually gone the next day.