food plots

Planted 10n days ago. They are mowing it down already

killed a big copperhead yesterday. Be careful everyone. check your ground blinds carefully.

Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.

Mines done! got a few straggler plants, mostly bare earth. :smiley:

As for copper heads, this might be the most I’ve dispatched in several years. Daughter called me and I got rid of two in her caller duck pen. I still haven’t figured out how the got in. Then two more in the layers pen. Lost two Peacocks that I believe got bit by two more copper heads that I “relocated”. Now let’s move to Chicken/rat snakes, crazy year for those as well! I understand them looking for my biddies and eggs, but up by the house? I think my bumper crop of lizards are attracting them. :question: