Francis Marion Natl Forest

Hey y’all,

I’m a new bow hunter to the charleston area with no land or means to join a hunting club. I’m looking at hunting the Francis Marion Natl Forest. If anyone would mind helping me out with a few questions it’d be greatly appreciated

Any Tips on hunting this area?

Is most of the forest legal to hunt? What are the rules and regulations of areas to hunt/ where are the good areas to hunt?

Checkpoints. If you kill something are you required to take it to a checkpoint?

Other than your hunting, big game, and WMA license is there any other license you need to purchase?

Anything else I need to know about hunting the Francis Marion Forest?

Thanks everyone for the help

find yourself a copy of rules and regs. look them up on line and study the dates of the unit you are hunting closely.


I sent you a message.

Make sure you wear an orange vest. Maybe even ring a bell when walking through the woods in low light…

Also curious about a check point