Fun Pranks

This wasn’t an original, saw it on a video. Had to give it a try. I have it wired on the Right turn signal, so it also beeps when you hit the brakes. I’ve got to use it three times and the last time I could not get it returned… I zipped tied the horn under the bumper…

Zip ties around a driveshaft were a big thing around here a couple years ago. Some pebbels in a center cap are good. I was replacing a window motor and while I had the cover off, tied a 1/2" nut to a piece of fishing string so it would swing and hit the sides when ever turning. Drove the driver crazy. He finally found it. Was a little ticked off. Been a long time ago, pulled a vacuum line off the carb and stuck it in a bottle of transmission fluid, man that thing white smoked like crazy. Old boy thought he had blown old girl up.

Tied a little piece of dog chain to drive shaft on a race car. They did not see the humor in it.

A fella took a short nap in his chair during lunch in the shop a few years back… while he snoozed a guy took two pieces of clear scotch tape and gently laid them across his glasses… when the guy woke up he couldn’t see worth crap pulled his glasses off, rubbed his eyes real hard and tried to look through his glasses again…by that time he knew he’d been had we were all laughing so hard there was no hiding it. We laugh about it to this day, heII, in laughing now typing this :smile:

Back in junior high we played a joke on our buddy who was driving his dad’s car to school. It was a Ford Comet. We surreptitiously loosened the coil wire on the distributor cap enough where it would lose contact. Buddy later cranked up and went home with no problems. Found out that the next day his dad was traveling to work in town and went across a rough railroad crossing. Engine died. We felt bad.

Anti-Sieze on the underside of a pull door handle

That’s just wrong!!

But not as bad as a can of sardines down the heater vents.

Take some of that clear box tape and put some along bottom of drivers side door. It’s a hoot to see when they try to get in…ha


thinking hard… snuck in the ladies room and put cellophane over the toilets and put the lid down. That was taken ok by one, but the other lady wanted to push a court Marshall.

Pop n snaps under the toilet seat. next.

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I remember someone put Dykem blue high spot on the dark toilet seats.Poor victim was nicknamed blue moon from then on.

I’ve got a air horn. Going to hook it to the secretary’s chair. Maybe remember tomorrow . Not the one that signs my check.

I unattended nail apron is Open season. Chances are it’s going to get nailed to the roof. The blade in your razor knives probably going to get run across the nail bar a couple times to get nice and dull. And the rest of your blades robbed.
I tolerate a lot of grab ass and instigate my fair share.
But the port a John’s off limits.
I’ve scene some messed up stuff in my years. Doors tied shut . Then pushed over. Roped dragged around. Picked up and flipped.
Nothing nice about that.

We had an electronic remote controlled “fart” noise box. Taped it under the secretary’s seat. She turned ten shades of red when we were all in her office and set it of a couple of times and we asked her if she was Ok. Then she jumped up and yelled out “That’s not me!”

We had one of those at work years ago Fred. Man, we had a lot of fun with that thing. We’d put it at the back of people’s computers. Watching them call IT to report that their PC was making a “funny” noise was hilarious. Put it in the ceiling of our boss’s office. She did not see the humor.

When we had the old phones that you could unscrew the earpiece or mouthpiece, we’d put clear tape inside so you couldn’t hear or be heard. We watched a guy almost have a heart attack screaming into his phone. He was a putz anyway.


I never got to hear the fart scene until way later in life, T.V. censors would not allow it. My brothers went to the Cook theater to see it when it first came out and mom wouldn’t let me go with them. I was so Jealous, they laughed and talked about the whole movie for a couple months. If anyone hasn’t seen the complete unedited movie, you owe it to yourself to watch it!!! The racial parodies were played equally among everyone. That movie is certainly in my top 10. …

Can’t believe it hasn’t been banned yet.

I have a SIL that is a college Art professor (yeah, I know) that showed Blazing Saddles in her Art Appreciation class. She is as liberal as they come but thought it was a good representative of film as art. Not one student in her class found it funny and most felt it was offensive.

Yep, it’s pretty sad to say we’re doomed as a society :face_exhaling:

This is where we need a sad emoji from admin… Your story doesn’t really make me angry, just sad some can’t see the movie as a joke on everyone and we are now grown enough to make light of all the crap that used to go on.

I’m a healthy record breaker!