Finally got a chance to get the boat wet and caught the tide just right. The spot I like is not navigable at low water so we got in the spot at mid falling tide. The fish were there and it didn’t take long. It seemed that every fish we caught was either above or below slot. But we finally got a limit of slot reds When the water reached dead low we got out of the boat and gathered a bucket full of clams mussels and assorted barnacles for bait. As soon as the tide started easing in the bite was on !! We hooked up several nice black drum and then the monster bit. The bite was just a light thump and I lifted the rod and suddenly the huge black drum knew he was hooked. There was a short run. And then it felt like he was stuck on the bottom. It seemed like forever before we saw the fish and he was so tired that we could just grab his fill cover and lift it up. Laid in the bottom of the boat too fat to move much. We revived him and released My experience with black drum Is that the big ones are full of worms. I don’t like fish that looks like pasta in the flesh. Photo of one of the slot fish
The one we released was 38 “ massive fish and you know how it goes - the biggest fish gets hooked up on the smallest rod. It was a zebco 33 (snoopy model) with 10 lb line and a #6 bluegill hook