A few weeks ago, he had an unexpected pic-nic on a sand bar between Ft. Sumter and Morris Island. The boat never ran hot, but it stopped peeing out of the tell-tell.
So with help from a friend, we replaced the impeller on Saturday and had several hours of WTF with it.
We removed the lower unit…sucker is heavy.
There was concern there might be a retaining ring over the impeller that would be hard to remove, but there was not one, so that was good…the impeller just slid right off.
With mane, strength and awkwardness, we got the lower unit back on, tightened all the bolts and put on a new trim tab. Not too bad.
Put the muffs on the motor and cranked it…no pee. WTH. With everyone clear of the motor, shifted the motor into gear. What a racket in the shifting. Kind of a clank, clank, bump…bump…bump. We didn’t think that sounded right and figured the linkage was out of align.
We removed the lower unit.
Fiddled around, and with grunts and pinched fingers, slid the lower unit back into place. With the battery turned off, we slightly turned the flywheel and put the lower in place and bolted it on. Started up, no pee, same noise. (**()it all to hell.
We Removed the lower unit.
Removed the impeller…looked at what we did, made sure the impeller blades were in the right direction, put it together and made sure the prop turned and the vertical drive shaft turned without any odd noises. Found none, put the lower unit back on the boat.
Put the muffs on the boat…no pee. More cussing.
We removed the lower unit.
Ran some weed eater line through both ends. Fired up the air compressor, blew air through the water pick up…you could feel air out of the pee hole, Removed the pee water line and blew air down the motor…you could feel air coming out of the water pick up tube. Good. Reinstalled the lower unit. Got the water barrel out and put the lower unit back on the boat and filled up a barrel and put the lower unit into the barrel. Fired up…no pee. Now the impelle