
So, we go to dinner tonight with the BIL and come back home. I’m settling in to watch the tube when the wife starts down the hall way. She turns on the light and gets about 7 feet in when all of a sudden she starts screaming there’s a snake in the house. I’m like yeah right, stop that and turn off the light. She keeps hollering there is a snake in the hall. I get up and go take a look. Sure enough there is a d**n snake in the house. Thankfully I get a good look at the head before it slides under the closet door. Ok, open the door and start taking every thing out. She is hollering to kill it with something, use a pillow case to catch it with. Now this thing is only about a foot long mind you and she says use a pillow case. I find it and try to grab it but it slips out of my hand. She is standing right beside me at this point, jumps in the bed room and starts to panic. I catch the snake and try to show her it is a harmless garter snake but that is uneventful. Take it outside and let go in neighbors flower garden. Come in and she keeps saying I better have killed it. Told her yeah just so she would calm down.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Dang, that’s the 4th snake story I heard in a week.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Fun story coot, thanks