The tip of my new G Loomis broke on the first time out (I honestly don’t know how - possibly when placing in truck). I sent it back and I just got a call from Cindy at customer service that said they don’t replace rods unless it is a manufacturing defect. Ok, didn’t know that always thought it was replaced regardless. Then she tells me that “she doesn’t know why people like me send it back to G Loomis because she’s an angler and wouldn’t try that stunt.” Is it me or is that just rude? Anyway, if you buy G Loomis (which is owned by Shimano) know the lifetime warranty caveat.
Greenville, SC
What a sorry attitude she has. I think I would report her to her higher ups.
Cotact Jim Petersen at Shimano (California) and let him know your story. Shimano has always replaced or repaired reels for me at no charge. G-Loomis may have a different policy, but your complaint will get straight to where it needs to get, and they do not want to lose a customer.
try taking it back where you bought it. some tackle shops will replace it for you.
If you still have the rod, I believe you can take it to one of your local tackle shops, get them to contact g loomis and claim it has a defect and for a fee of fifty dollars, they will send it to the tackle shop and then when it arrives you send back the broken one. This makes it impossible for g loomis to decide whether or not your rod has a legitimate defect. Don’t hold me with this, as I have never done it first hand, but one of the guys at the west Ashley charleston angler told me that it could be done.
172 Sea Hunt Triton
1500 key west sportsman
My rod locker door dropped on my G-Loomis Pro Green. Took it back to my tackle dealer and told him it was my fault, I had broke the rod. $25.00 to ship, $25.00 to return ship, and $100.00 replacement charge!! I had no problem paying the $100.00, but felt like I should have been able to return the rod to my tackle dealer an save the $50.00 in shipping fees. I had to go Online and request return authorization. I believe you should only have to pay the shipping fees.
If you dont know how you broke it, then it was probably a defective rod. Why did they say it was not a defective blank? It happens from time to time.
- I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.
Should have bought a Star rod.
-Capt. Chris Rapchick
yella bote
no motor
I don’t really know what the big obsession is with G-loomis, ■■■■■■■, and St croix. I have a G-loomis progreen for catching snook and tarpon in FL, Broke a ■■■■■■■ that i won in a tournament with 4000 Penn Conquer (the tip broke) and have broken 2 st croix. Instead i mostly use my Star rods for most of my fishing. I think the star stellar lite cost me 90 bucks on sale, so purchased them by the bulk for all types of fishing. Works just as good or on even par with the 250-300 dollars G-loomis, St croix and ■■■■■■■ rods. I just can’t justify paying 250 dollars for those G-loomis and then feeling guilty when they get beat up on the boat or kayak.
Sounds like a defect. I’d have trouble buying another one if they don’t do the right thing replacing this one
Chaos 16 Bonefish Edition
Repeat after me,“It broke on a fish.”
quote:Then buy the $135 Loomis Rods. I have been fishing some of the same GLOOMIS rods for over 10 years now. Sorry to the original poster for their bad ecperience.
Originally posted by prayot2001I don’t really know what the big obsession is with G-loomis, ■■■■■■■, and St croix. I have a G-loomis progreen for catching snook and tarpon in FL, Broke a ■■■■■■■ that i won in a tournament with 4000 Penn Conquer (the tip broke) and have broken 2 st croix. Instead i mostly use my Star rods for most of my fishing. I think the star stellar lite cost me 90 bucks on sale, so purchased them by the bulk for all types of fishing. Works just as good or on even par with the 250-300 dollars G-loomis, St croix and ■■■■■■■ rods. I just can’t justify paying 250 dollars for those G-loomis and then feeling guilty when they get beat up on the boat or kayak.
“I have tomorrow open!”
that sounds so out of character for them, I have never received a call or anything besides a brand new rod back. I always include a little description on how a fish broke my favorite rod though…
Did they return the rod? How much of the tip is missing?
Shimano seems to be trying to tighten up the profit structure at Loomis lately. Nothing wrong with that but it sounds like some employees have forgotten that it is the customer that writes their paycheck.
Thanks for the information from everyone. I will be receiving the rod back in the mail sometime in the next week and I should have mentioned that the G Loomis representative did offer to repair it for $150 dollars (it’s a 250 rod) but I balked. Live and learn.
I have an old ■■■■■■■ that was my first baitcaster. I have had it for probably 18 years and I have only had to replace one guide because the eyelet popped out. No telling how many times I busted my a** on a rock in the Flint river with that thing and it never broke. I dont use it because it was given to me by my dad when I was a wee lad(prob 12) and i dont want to break it. I dont think you can break it though. And, It floats w a 5500 C on it! So, i would buy another ■■■■■■■. Now, I fish with Big Bear rods. My good friend makes them and is the owner of the company so I don’t have to worry about talking to some chic on the phone about warranty issues. I know it can be frustrating though. I would be very upset with the customer service from loomis/shimano and I really feel bad for you. To me, buying a rod that cost that much is a major purchase. Keep trying and I am sure that sooner or later you will get the rod replaced. So,they offered to repair it! I did not think a broken in half rod could be repaired. Ill ask my buddy if he can repair broken rods and if so i am sure he would give you a deal on the service. I hope you get it handled man.
- I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.
Buy cheaper rods.I do.My most expensive is the St Croix I just bought at haddrells.I know with St Croix never lift a fish into the boat.
Own two g-loomis and prefer my $30 shimano rod to them. I have also broken the tip on two of them and cost $40 each time to replace, not worth the money. Suggest going to haddrell’s and asking for a rod you can walk in and swap out if broken. You can do this with star rods (at a 10$ convience fee), own two stellar lites and love them!!
quote:$40 to replace the rod? Or $40 to fix the tips? Haddrells charges $8 usually to repair a tip.
Originally posted by fishcrazyOwn two g-loomis and prefer my $30 shimano rod to them. I have also broken the tip on two of them and cost $40 each time to replace, not worth the money. Suggest going to haddrell’s and asking for a rod you can walk in and swap out if broken. You can do this with star rods (at a 10$ convience fee), own two stellar lites and love them!!
Broken rods are a part of fishing. Seems odd you want to be able to break a rod and take it back and swap it out for new one. How many products exist that allow this with their warranty policies?
Loomis used to have an expediter program where YOU OWNED up to breaking the rod and for a $50 fee they replaced it with the same model if available or in one case with a fly rod I was upgraded. That program no longer exists in that form today since Shimano took it over but I think it is still the same principle only more money.
End rant.
“I have tomorrow open!”
When the guy selling you a fishing pole says, “This here fishing stick is gar-unnn-teed fer the rest of yo natural born days”… you figure he ain’t lying to you. Well, at least that is the way I was raised.
I always bought official rods from the official representatives with the promise, “if your dog chews the rod up and craps it back out, you just bring me the pieces in a paper sack and I will give you a brand new rod.”
I’m kind of hearing that those says are over?!
I have taken about three rods back to the store in 30 years of buying my own rods and had them replaced with NO QUESTIONS ASKED. None in brown paper sacks, though.
I’ll chat with the guys I buy my rods from the next time I am in the shop and if they say things like, “$100” plus $20 shipping plus $20 handling plus $30 convenience fee, plus… then I’ll be buying everything on the Inter-Web.
So far, I have not heard any of these “well… we use to” stories from the guys I buy rods from. But, don’t hold your breath. It might take me another 10 years to break another rod.