Sold me a pretty crappy first gun for my son. Remington 770 model 270. Factory scope broke twice, gun would not sight in. Bolt action lousy and trigger super stiff. Manager at store good guy, have me no hassle and gave full refund towards better gun. Policy states 60% buy back. I was fortunate and give them props for making it right
Only saying, you should have read up a little before buying that one! Piece of $^&* reviews, on it. Glad GM made good!
Ya easy your right. I’m ignorant when it comes to rifle. Was only going by what person helping me there recommended … Always been more into archery
How can you blame a store for selling you a crap gun? You bought it. Easy is right. You should have read the reviews before buying. Also how do you expect a gun sold new actualy comes with a decent scope? Most quality scopes cost more then the gun itself. Glad you got your money back in full and feel free to pm me if you have any questions before buying another.
Scout 185
700’s are rock solid - but - the 770 has nothing but bad rap. Never heard anything good about it.
J Ford
You can’t catch 'um on the couch!
Had one and it was stolen out the back of my truck. Felt bad for the guy that ended up with it ! Literally lol
Have a 700 now that is an amazing machine
I wouldn’t go as far as calling a 700 amazing, they are serviceable actions but cheaply made these days in most respects, the finish on the SPS sucks. The thing with Remington is a ton of aftermarket products are made for the 700 platform. By adding here and there you can turn one into a pretty good gun but you’ll sink what you have in the base gun doing it. My main rifle is a 700 SPS Varmint in 7mm08, right now, the receiver is the only thing that hasn’t been modified.
Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.
“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne
I would. And did. I purchased absolutely no upgrades for mine. The gun came with an adjustable trigger that is Fabulous! Put a good piece of glass on top of it and I can shoot twice as far as I would ever need to hunting in South Carolina. Couple that with some ham load to 70s and I have never tracked a deer it shot.