
Anyone try surrounding their veggie bed with marigolds? They’re supposed to contain a chemical that produces an aroma that most insects don’t like so it keeps them at bay. Some other herbs/flowers are supposed to help keep bugs away as well…check this link:

Lol…I did that too as it usually works…the slugs thought they were quite tasty#128522;

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Worth a shot;

Pioneer 222 Sportfish
Yamaha 250

You would have to surround your garden with hundreds of marigolds to have any real effect. I talked to a guy at the Clemson research garden on 17 south - he said your garden would have to have so many marigolds that you wouldn’t have room tor many plants, and even then there are many critters that come in by wing that would still do the damage - like tomato hook worms. I use pyrethrum based products - making sure that its from natural African flowers. The synthetics just don’t work

Seeing this is an older topic but the growing season is still on, I’ll share my experience.
I had the “stink bugs” all over my squash & lost 2 heavy producing plants…
I read up on it & found the “cure” is NEEM OIL… got a bottle at Walmart & mixed as directed…
1-2oz per gallon of water in a pump sprayer… It WORKED… no more bugs & the “dying plants”
came back to life & are producing just fine…
It tells you on the bottle that some wilting will occur in the first few days & it did…
BUT, after that, they were fine, w/ no critters eating & sacking the sap…
I tried vinegar & water on my green beans & burnt the heck outta the leaves… I ended up pulling the plants.
No worries tho… I was on my 3rd pick off of’m… Replanted last week… we’ll see how that goes.

Thanks for that info…where do you find the oil in Walmart…garden center or hardware etc?

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Neem oil is good stuff Penny. Just make sure to apply it early in the morning or late in the evening to advoid damaging the foilage.
Jacks tomato booster formula is a good feed for them. itis high in calcium which helps with some of the blight.

Mater deck plants looking good. Dealt with blossom rot (added more calcium) and fruit cracking…requires consistent watering practices in this heat. They will gorge themselves and crack if plant is left to dry out to much. No real bug problems…this criiter is about as cool as they come. Told wife to chill, harmless garden spider. Did you know that center vertical weave is called the stabilimentum? It’s not a repair job as I first thought.

Was bushhogging the lower 40 last evening and noticed all my Cataba trees were eten up. Stoped to see if the worms have moved in yet and the were covered with black ants. Any thaughts?

Originally posted by boatpoor

Was bushhogging the lower 40 last evening and noticed all my Cataba trees were eten up. Stoped to see if the worms have moved in yet and the were covered with black ants. Any thaughts?

My guess is the ants beat you to the bait. That’s what seems to happen in my area (Swansea) any more.

You gonna talk or FISH!

Originally posted by wearthefishes

Mater deck plants looking good. Dealt with blossom rot (added more calcium) and fruit cracking…requires consistent watering practices in this heat. They will gorge themselves and crack if plant is left to dry out to much. No real bug problems…this criiter is about as cool as they come. Told wife to chill, harmless garden spider. Did you know that center vertical weave is called the stabilimentum? It’s not a repair job as I first thought.

Can you elaborate on this as to what you’re doing to stop the splitting? I water mine deeply at 6:30AM and again for about 10 min mid day with an occasional additional 10min on really hot days (95+).

You gonna talk or FISH!

Tryin_2, I’m not sure we have completely solved the problem, we still have some cracking occurring, I believe it’s the heat. I’m not sure, but you may be watering to much. Read this and you will know as much as I do…

that spider will eat a lot of garden pests!