
So I’ve never seen anything like it, my tomatoe plants are over 10ft tall, but have only produced 3 maters. How do I get them to stop growing and start producing? I wish I could upload pictures because my trelless work is quite comical as I’ve never needed more than a 6foot cage.

Well I feel better if BIOguy is struggling. My peppers are the same way, except ghost and habs look like a bush with no blooms.

my peach trees are doing the same thing ; all leaves and fruit just fell off …:angry::angry::angry:

George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Too much fertilizer

Originally posted by sman

Too much fertilizer

Could be. I got them in late and tried to give them a boost with some 34-0-0

Too much nitrogen. Maybe try some 5-10-10 with trace elements.

I’ve had a bumper crop this year except for my corn. Too much rain.

Sounds like too much fertilizer as sman stated. I’ve side dressed heavy with nitrogen and it really makes your plants green, but doesn’t do a lot for the fruit if put on too heavy.

The wife has a few tomatoes on the porch in pots and they are really producing. She uses Miracle grow every other week. The few I’ve got in the Garden are doing fantastic. Okra now coming in, and the best egg plants I’ve ever done. Ate our first Watermelon yesterday. Did some spaghetti squash for the first time and found that I will do more next year. Pretty neat stuff, Wife did some stewed tomato, zucchini, and okra and put that over the spaghetti squash “noodles”.

Yep. Before I even saw this, I thought “too much nitrogen.” 34-0-0 would be better used (lightly) on your lawn.

Originally posted by bioguy
Originally posted by sman

Too much fertilizer

Could be. I got them in late and tried to give them a boost with some 34-0-0

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” - C.S. Lewis

Fred, your making my mouth water! Went to my mater patch this morning and it looked as if someone had poured hot water on all the plants. every one wilted down, don’t understand what happened!

agree with others…34-0-0 is 34 parts nitrogen to zero parts phosphate and potassium…nitrogen is for green…leaves and stems

next time don’t use fertilizer, try getting some mushroom soil, it has a perfect balance of N-P-K for fruit bearing veggies, like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers etc.

then you’ll have to worry about the birds and the squirrels going after your beautiful veggies!!

Bury some menhaden around your plants then boil up whats leftover and pour it over the dog’s food.Fred sure knows how to eat .

I have one tomato plant that has produced nearly a bushel - and one on the other end that’s all leaves & vines BUT all the rain has leached out the excess nitro and the tops of the vines are covered with flowers. Its all about balance.

Originally posted by boatpoor

Fred, your making my mouth water! Went to my mater patch this morning and it looked as if someone had poured hot water on all the plants. every one wilted down, don’t understand what happened!

The HEAT!!! Dang sun will blister them. Nematodes will play havoc on Tomatoes as well.

The Natureboy summed it up pretty good,as he usually does.Its all about balance,truer words were never typed.Wooooooo

Check your squash, zucchini and cukes for borers and squash bugs(resembles a stink bug) too. They make them will and then die. Evil little sobs ruined my garden the previous two years. Nothing I tried worked on them until this year I had my pest control guy look into it and he sprayed my raised bed with something for them about 3 weeks before I planted. So far so good I haven’t seen one this year. I’ve had some wilting, but adding some mulch around the base of the plant seems to have helped with that issue. I’ve also released about 2000 baby praying mantis over the last two year. They may or may not be helping but the kids enjoyed checking to see if they had hatched yet and releasing them.

You gonna talk or FISH!

Originally posted by Tryin_2_FISHMORE

Check your squash, zucchini and cukes for borers and squash bugs(resembles a stink bug) too. They make them will and then die. Evil little sobs ruined my garden the previous two years. Nothing I tried worked on them until this year I had my pest control guy look into it and he sprayed my raised bed with something for them about 3 weeks before I planted. So far so good I haven’t seen one this year. I’ve had some wilting, but adding some mulch around the base of the plant seems to have helped with that issue. I’ve also released about 2000 baby praying mantis over the last two year. They may or may not be helping but the kids enjoyed checking to see if they had hatched yet and releasing them.

You gonna talk or FISH!

I understand your concern with the bugs in the veggies… Especially if you try for a fall garden. I just can’t get past using anything but a small amount of seven dust, My whole point in gardening is lack of any pesticides, even if I get a little less produce from bug attacks. :smiley: I use the seven dust when my corn first starts tossling and also on my potatoes…Anything else I don’t want to kill any bees doing their job, past that I let be what will be. Wait… after the fire ants in my okra, I might have to do something!!

Where did you get your mantis at? I love those rascals, rarely see them around any more. Have you thought about what your pest control dude put on your garden? If it kills the borers, I’m sure it will do damage to your mantis, or I would think so:question:

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Tryin_2_FISHMORE

Check your squash, zucchini and cukes for borers and squash bugs(resembles a stink bug) too. They make them will and then die. Evil little sobs ruined my garden the previous two years. Nothing I tried worked on them until this year I had my pest control guy look into it and he sprayed my raised bed with something for them about 3 weeks before I planted. So far so good I haven’t seen one this year. I’ve had some wilting, but adding some mulch around the base of the plant seems to have helped with that issue. I’ve also released about 2000 baby praying mantis over the last two year. They may or may not be helping but the kids enjoyed checking to see if they had hatched yet and releasing them.

You gonna talk or FISH!

I understand your concern with the bugs in the veggies… Especially if you try for a fall garden. I just can’t get past using anything but a small amount of seven dust, My whole point in gardening is lack of any pesticides, even if I get a little less produce from bug attacks. :smiley: I use the seven dust when my corn first starts tossling and also on my potatoes…Anything else I don’t want to kill any bees doing their job, past that I let be what will be. Wait… after the fire ants in my okra, I might have to do something!!

Where did you get your mantis at? I love those rascals, rarely see them around any more. Have you thought about what your pest control dude put on your garden? If it kills the borers, I’m sure it will do damage to your mantis, or I would think so:question:

I try not to sp

Originally posted by Tryin_2_FISHMORE
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Tryin_2_FISHMORE

Check your squash, zucchini and cukes for borers and squash bugs(resembles a stink bug) too. They make them will and then die. Evil little sobs ruined my garden the previous two years. Nothing I tried worked on them until this year I had my pest control guy look into it and he sprayed my raised bed with something for them about 3 weeks before I planted. So far so good I haven’t seen one this year. I’ve had some wilting, but adding some mulch around the base of the plant seems to have helped with that issue. I’ve also released about 2000 baby praying mantis over the last two year. They may or may not be helping but the kids enjoyed checking to see if they had hatched yet and releasing them.

You gonna talk or FISH!

I understand your concern with the bugs in the veggies… Especially if you try for a fall garden. I just can’t get past using anything but a small amount of seven dust, My whole point in gardening is lack of any pesticides, even if I get a little less produce from bug attacks. :smiley: I use the seven dust when my corn first starts tossling and also on my potatoes…Anything else I don’t want to kill any bees doing their job, past that I let be what will be. Wait… after the fire ants in my okra, I might have to do something!!

Where did you get your mantis at? I love those rascals, rarely see them around any more. Have you thought about what your pest control dude put on your garden? If it kills

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Tryin_2_FISHMORE
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Tryin_2_FISHMORE

Check your squash, zucchini and cukes for borers and squash bugs(resembles a stink bug) too. They make them will and then die. Evil little sobs ruined my garden the previous two years. Nothing I tried worked on them until this year I had my pest control guy look into it and he sprayed my raised bed with something for them about 3 weeks before I planted. So far so good I haven’t seen one this year. I’ve had some wilting, but adding some mulch around the base of the plant seems to have helped with that issue. I’ve also released about 2000 baby praying mantis over the last two year. They may or may not be helping but the kids enjoyed checking to see if they had hatched yet and releasing them.

You gonna talk or FISH!

I understand your concern with the bugs in the veggies… Especially if you try for a fall garden. I just can’t get past using anything but a small amount of seven dust, My whole point in gardening is lack of any pesticides, even if I get a little less produce from bug attacks. :smiley: I use the seven dust when my corn first starts tossling and also on my potatoes…Anything else I don’t want to kill any bees doing their job, past that I let be what will be. Wait… after the fire ants in my okra, I might have to do something!!

Where did you

Dang skugs are eating my flowers and plants…bought the slug pellets and seven dust…they love it too

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16