Garris Landing ruined

Trump has plenty of time to address the issues - like 6 more years!

Originally posted by salty849

Worst thing that ever happened there was dredging the channel and putting a floating dock up…

Nailed it

How’s the dredging held up?

It hasn’t.

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by natureboy

PS - Hillary still lost!

So what? How does that help deter a kayaking group from taking over the landing? Sman already said it's a federally funded facility

Since President Trump assumed office in January 2017, he has shown little outward interest in the National Park Service or its farflung collection of unique parks, battlefields, seashores, and monuments. He waited until midway through 2018 to nominate a director for the Park Service, and that nomination died in December without full Senate consideration and the candidate, Grand Teton National Park Superintendent David Vela, has yet to be renominated.

So he can’t recommend cuts to any department? Really! If you don’t think there is 14% waste in any federal department, you are fooling yourself. It will have zero effect on preserving our national treasures.

Talked with CE. I was told they would start telling their customers where to park and would see if the marketing dept would add it to their website. We’ll see if that happens. There’s someone trying to make this political. This is not about money. It’s about respect. Please don’t try to make this political. If you don’t mind calling/emailing coastal expeditions, please do so. My solo call/email is probably not going to fix the situation. Tons of boaters in town now and we need to stick together. Thx and safe boating!

The business pays state and federal income taxes, presumably, so there is revenue from their activity.

Having said that, turning a public landing into your commercial location is wrong and I agree they should not have their customers parking in trailer spots nor using ramps / docs for anything more than getting in and getting out.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

I pay income and business taxes too, but the state doesn’t provide parking for my customers or provide a business location for me!

Been there 1 time years ago it was a zoo then! Don’t want to go back. We rent a house in M’ville and use that ramp!

That ramp should be open 24/7. There shouldn’t be a gate.

Originally posted by

Talked with CE. I was told they would start telling their customers where to park and would see if the marketing dept would add it to their website. We’ll see if that happens. There’s someone trying to make this political. This is not about money. It’s about respect. Please don’t try to make this political. If you don’t mind calling/emailing coastal expeditions, please do so. My solo call/email is probably not going to fix the situation. Tons of boaters in town now and we need to stick together. Thx and safe boating!

You made this political… I think Fritz hit the nail on the head with contacting the offending establishlment first and formost in this issue.


relating to the government or the public affairs of a country</font id=“blue”>… This is a public affair… I think it’s political that the gates get closed after dark. Someone has some pull…

Originally posted by natureboy

I pay income and business taxes too, but the state doesn’t provide parking for my customers or provide a business location for me!

I find this comment interesting, particularly on this site. There are MANY guides or people who use guides on this site and I’m willing to bet that most if not all have used public landings at one point point. Should guides and their guest also not be allowed to use public sites?
I really don’t know what agreement the Island Cat has with the government folks but I doubt they just decided to start docking there on a whim without a process established.

Edit: Oh and Natureboy. I’m sure your business gets some sort of benefit from the state too. It’s almost impossible for it not to.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White
Originally posted by natureboy

I pay income and business taxes too, but the state doesn’t provide parking for my customers or provide a business location for me!

I find this comment interesting, particularly on this site. There are MANY guides or people who use guides on this site and I’m willing to bet that most if not all have used public landings at one point point. Should guides and their guest also not be allowed to use public sites?
I really don’t know what agreement the Island Cat has with the government folks but I doubt they just decided to start docking there on a whim without a process established.

Edit: Oh and Natureboy. I’m sure your business gets some sort of benefit from the state too. It’s almost impossible for it not to.

First, Most, Biggest

Yes I do get the benefit of using highways, rest areas & other infrastructure . BUT I do not get to monopolize any public area as the Island cat has done many times. Most of the inshore guides respect the publics right to use the resources and ask their customers to car pool or have facilities with their boat in the water and privately owned parking areas - like the IOP marina.

The feds have a contract for a charter company to carry guests out to Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge just like the one they have to carry guests out to Fort Sumter. On occasion, the contracts expire and are put out for bids again if anyone is interested in doing this.

No , its not just like the situation with Spirit Line Fort Sumter cruises . Their customers are encouraged to park in the Warf parking garage next door to the SC aquarium at $5 per car or to park elsewhere and bus to the dock Therefore unlike Garris , Spirit Line customers are not taking up long boat trailer spaces or restricting anyone’s access to the water. Spirit line pays for dockage like any other vessel at a private marina, and pays the park service for dock use at Fort Sumter.