Anyone have a recommendation for the strength (lbs) for a gas strut - main bow hatch (approx. 32" long and width expands from 24" to 40") on a 19’ bay boat. It was already removed when I bought the bought the boat so don’t have the OEM part to reference. I assumed the hatch lid probably didn’t weigh more than 20lbs so a 20lb strut would work. Very wrong. I know there is an engineering formula for this but was hoping someone just had an idea of what I probably need - 60#, 90#? - to save me some more trial and error and returns. I’m finding that the stainless steel versions are fairly limited to length of 20" max unless someone knows of good source. Thanks in advance for any guidance! PS - the strut is mounted at the front or narrower section of the hatch (so not in way of access).
Try calling the customer service number of the boat manufacturer and give them the hull ID number. If they are still in business they should be able to tell you the OEM part number or weight rating.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Thanks for reply, Larry. It’s a Sea Pro so I’m SOL on that one! Looks like I’ll either have to work the math formula or some trial and error. I’ll probably just jump up to 60# and see if that will lift it without being too difficult to close.
I can’t give you the answer, but there are a lot of Sea Pros around here. Maybe someone have the same/similar boat and can give you the info?
15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro
Looks like I'll either have to work the math formula or some trial and error.
OK then You are dealing with a simple weight, a fulcrum and a lever arm, which creates a higher apparent weight the further you move out on the lever from the fulcrum. The hinge being the fulcrum. The math should be easy enough. See-saw mathematics
Is the gas tube almost vertical? Try doing this. Hook a scale to a lifting point where the strut attaches to the hatch. Fish scale or something, and weigh what it takes to lift it from that location. Play around with it a little and you can figure it out. no need to guess.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Just give boat outfitters a call. They know everything about boat hardware.
Get you a forked stick, will last for ever!