Gasoline Disposal

Originally posted by leadenwahboy
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Realfin

I’ll go a step further. Ethanol is the most expensive sham ever perpetrated on this country. It cost us billions, and benefits a very few.

That’s what we get for our tax dollars and the Overblown EPA. At one time it was a very small agency with just a couple of people… Then It became a liberal governmental extravaganza, and blossomed into a full blown debatical of deceit and corruption. Global Warming was still it’s biggest funder. The EPA needs to go away.

Want proof that the EPA is boggus? I can give full testimony that it is a huge sham. Release EPA regulations on an over the road truck… (or ALL motor vehicles) and I can give Proof positive that it is all about Lying to the public.

I’ll give a very small summary… Take a nice Bourbon drink… Put it on Ice…MMMMM Take that same drink and add some pepsi, or water… still ok but diluted. Add an Air pump to put fresh air in a vehicles exhaust, diluted, but still putting out the same emissions… only on a false basis that the EPA required crap is working… All you die hard fanatics that think just because a diesel engine is not putting out BLACK SMOKE that it has clean emmisions… Wrong.

So we have an old Diesel engine… black smoking a bit… It is getting 7.4 mpg while we have a new EPA mandated engine not smoking getting 5.8 Mpg… Which do you think has the better emissions.:smiley:?

Of course black smoke from an old diesel look ba