Gasoline Disposal

I’ve got a 55 gal drum of contaminated gas - water - pinhole in top. Any ideas/suggestions for disposal?

Interesting, I’ve got about 20 gallons of mixed gas with the same issue…and wondering the same thing.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

I seperate the water from gas and burn fuel in mowers and tillers , shame to just dispose of it at todays gas prices and its easy to do , never had any issues from it…

George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by gail wins

I seperate the water from gas and burn fuel in mowers and tillers , shame to just dispose of it at todays gas prices and its easy to do , never had any issues from it…

George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
Author unknown

Exactly. Plug top leak, let it sit a while, and just siphon off the top…


A well placed cube of tannerite would make for an interesting display…….

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

I give mine to the kids next door to run in ther 4 wheelers! They poured 4 gal in a 5 gal bucket with a hole in it pluged with a screw and let it sit still over night and the next day they took the screw out and let the water run out till they got clean gas and reinstalled the screw. it ran good in there Hondas. Hope they won’t be smart enough to add water to my new gas!

Running old gas in any equipment is a recipe for a failed fuel system. I think most all dumps have areas for fluid disposal, paint, oil, fuel… etc.

Yes in pure gas water will separate, but if it’s an ethanol blend the alcohol will still have some of the water suspended in the “gas”. For the price of a gallon of gas to put in a tiller or four wheeler, I’d never take the risk. I’ve seen what it can do. Besides our modern gas only has a shelf life of approx 3 months without adding some kind of stabilizer to it. Cleaning a varnished carb for no good reason is never fun. imo

Just a half teaspoon in the bowl of a tiller carb will stop it from running. Then think about most modern four wheelers being fuel injected. Injectors can’t stand water, even a tiny amount.


I’m not putting it in anything that I’m responsible for maintaining or repairing.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Originally posted by Fred67

Running old gas in any equipment is a recipe for a failed fuel system. I think most all dumps have areas for fluid disposal, paint, oil, fuel… etc.

Yes in pure gas water will separate, but if it’s an ethanol blend the alcohol will still have some of the water suspended in the “gas”. For the price of a gallon of gas to put in a tiller or four wheeler, I’d never take the risk. I’ve seen what it can do. Besides our modern gas only has a shelf life of approx 3 months without adding some kind of stabilizer to it. Cleaning a varnished carb for no good reason is never fun. imo

Just a half teaspoon in the bowl of a tiller carb will stop it from running. Then think about most modern four wheelers being fuel injected. Injectors can’t stand water, even a tiny amount.

Nah, just add a little HEET to the siphoned fuel taken after gravity separation has occurred.

It’ll be fine, trust me…:wink:


Yall some cheap mofos. Hmmmmm save $ by risking tearing up a machine that would end upcosting more to fix or replace rather than just getting good fresh gas.

“Good things come to those who bait”

I have been selling gasoline and fuel for forty years. I am no expert, but this is what I have learned - mostly the hard way.
Diesel will last for years, and will cause no problems in older engines and burners if it has not been in contact with water.
Non-ethanol gasoline seems quite stable for more than a year.
Ethanol blended gasoline is trouble waiting to happen. It is stable for about a month - or less, if water is present. It cost more to produce than non-ethanol gas ( per EPA ), and would probably not exist without the corn lobby. Ironically. non-ethanol gas prices are artificially high due to requirements placed on oil companies by - you guessed it - the EPA.
How to get rid of old product?
County disposal sites would probably say “don’t bring it here!”
It changes the flash point in their waste oil tanks, and that makes the waste oil dangerous.
I would say in small quantities ( a gallon at a time ) it will be okay.
Whatever you do, don’t pour it on the ground or in any water source.

I like boatpoors reply…simple.

Get a fuel pump /raccor fuel filter with a clear bottom and pump it while watching the filter. Gas is expensive but a 50 gallon drum is worth it.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Water doesn’t compress or burn, but in engines with good compression it will cause tiny explosions that knock little pits in the piston heads and ruin exhaust valves. Ethanol will bond with water and you wont see it, and it wont separate, until the mixture is compressed & burned

Nature boy, I don’t follow your last sentence. I have several hundred gallons of E-10 in a tank that had no water. It sat a month undisturbed, and when I startedt to remove it, it smelled like varnish . It had gone through “phase separation”. I would not sell it. Are you saying it’s okay to sell/use?

In my opinion the single worst thing that has happened in the fuel industry is ethanol. Ethanol can bond with water and you cant see it. It can also bond with water in the air . It costs more to make than its worth. I wouldn’t put old fuel with ethanol in any engine that I own.

I’ll go a step further. Ethanol is the most expensive sham ever perpetrated on this country. It cost us billions, and benefits a very few.

Originally posted by Realfin

I’ll go a step further. Ethanol is the most expensive sham ever perpetrated on this country. It cost us billions, and benefits a very few.

That’s what we get for our tax dollars and the Overblown EPA. At one time it was a very small agency with just a couple of people… Then It became a liberal governmental extravaganza, and blossomed into a full blown debatical of deceit and corruption. Global Warming was still it’s biggest funder. The EPA needs to go away.

Want proof that the EPA is boggus? I can give full testimony that it is a huge sham. Release EPA regulations on an over the road truck… (or ALL motor vehicles) and I can give Proof positive that it is all about Lying to the public.

I’ll give a very small summary… Take a nice Bourbon drink… Put it on Ice…MMMMM Take that same drink and add some pepsi, or water… still ok but diluted. Add an Air pump to put fresh air in a vehicles exhaust, diluted, but still putting out the same emissions… only on a false basis that the EPA required crap is working… All you die hard fanatics that think just because a diesel engine is not putting out BLACK SMOKE that it has clean emmisions… Wrong.

So we have an old Diesel engine… black smoking a bit… It is getting 7.4 mpg while we have a new EPA mandated engine not smoking getting 5.8 Mpg… Which do you think has the better emissions.:smiley:?

Of course black smoke from an old diesel look bad… but I guarantee that the modern “non” smoking big rig diesels are just as bad … even worse. Want some more info… I’ll gladly sharer with back up. EPA has become a bogus B.S. piece of crap organization…

Want some more… Look at all the tail pipes on every diesel Pickup truck… They run a pipe into a

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Realfin

I’ll go a step further. Ethanol is the most expensive sham ever perpetrated on this country. It cost us billions, and benefits a very few.

That’s what we get for our tax dollars and the Overblown EPA. At one time it was a very small agency with just a couple of people… Then It became a liberal governmental extravaganza, and blossomed into a full blown debatical of deceit and corruption. Global Warming was still it’s biggest funder. The EPA needs to go away.

Want proof that the EPA is boggus? I can give full testimony that it is a huge sham. Release EPA regulations on an over the road truck… (or ALL motor vehicles) and I can give Proof positive that it is all about Lying to the public.

I’ll give a very small summary… Take a nice Bourbon drink… Put it on Ice…MMMMM Take that same drink and add some pepsi, or water… still ok but diluted. Add an Air pump to put fresh air in a vehicles exhaust, diluted, but still putting out the same emissions… only on a false basis that the EPA required crap is working… All you die hard fanatics that think just because a diesel engine is not putting out BLACK SMOKE that it has clean emmisions… Wrong.

So we have an old Diesel engine… black smoking a bit… It is getting 7.4 mpg while we have a new EPA mandated engine not smoking getting 5.8 Mpg… Which do you think has the better emissions.:smiley:?

Of course black smoke from an old diesel look bad… but I guarantee that the modern “non” smoking big rig diesels are just as bad … even worse. Want some more info… I’ll gladly sharer with back up. EPA has be

Drop a container of Black food dye in the tank, stir and let it sit for a day or two. Use a clear tube to siphon off.

Post it on craigslist for free. It will be gone.