Had’nt planned on going but the weather was too good not to hit the water.My dad and I headed out and reeled in fish all day.Ended up catching 25 weakfish(2 were 25"+) ,a 22 " blak drum,4 million seabass(including a 19"er),8 ringtails & my biggest redfish ever. Posted a pic of the redfish on Winyah Bay Fishing Club facebook page.Check it out.
I guess the water has cleared up. It was a tad stirred up last weekend…I guess from the wind and Sandy. Nice report. Maybe these eggheads will let us keep a few more trout next yr.
I guess the water has cleared up. It was a tad stirred up last weekend…I guess from the wind and Sandy. Nice report. Maybe these eggheads will let us keep a few more trout next yr.