Get the Navionics App, or get a handheld GPS

Hey i just wanted to know yalls thoughts on this. I currently do not have a gps on my boat and would really like to have one. I would really like to be able to use the gps in other areas like florida for example, but what would be best?

Thanks for the info

Get a dedicated gps. If you get out of cell range the app wont work.

fish today work tomorrow

Originally posted by chickenhawk 26

Get a dedicated gps. If you get out of cell range the app wont work.

fish today work tomorrow


Also, the app is only around 10 bucks. It is nice to have as well…

“Miss Amanda”
-Bluewater 2020CC
-Yammy F-150

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App still works on iPhone out of cell coverage.

owned by trailer bearings…

App works fine on android w/o cell signal. All it needs is the gps in the phone.

17’ Henry O Hornet
26’ Palmer Scott

Get both. Navionics is still a great secondary and it’s only $5

if i were to get a handheld gps, then what kind would yall reccomend?

I have one I will sell you that is just collecting dust. It is a Garmin Oregon 400c. Has a touch screen and has the built-in g2 maps. Ill let it go for 100.00. Pm if you would like.