Global warming....The greatest scam

NASA defines the term as a cold period between AD 1550 and 1850 and notes three particularly cold intervals: one beginning about 1650, another about 1770, and the last in 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming.

Btw, my ac just cut on and dropped the temperature 3-4 degrees. Now I’m wearing a gas mask so the plague will not get me

Originally posted by on a fishin mission
Originally posted by Fishb8

1 degree. We are talking about 1 degree over 400 years.
If 1 degree caused grain to rise by 400% in a couple months, then we should be in grain heaven now.
Again, how did the 1 degree cause the plague?
Hum, farmers unable to pay taxes so they rose up against those that taxed them…so that was 1 degree colder, brrr, what about now that it is .4 warmer and the farmers are finding it hard to pay taxes…I know it is global warnings fault.
Or could it possible be that the farmers were tired of pay the high taxes.
Seriously you are saying that some of the biggest events/tragedies in history are the result of 1 degree change

It was not 1 degree over 400 years. It was a 1-2 sudden change that plunged the world into the ice age that lasted 400 years.
As far as grain, typo on my part. The PRICE of grain rose 400% in a matter of weeks.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

You have to give me a few more fact before I could believe that 1-2 degrees caused all that!

OFM… do you realize that temperature measurements during the 19th century have a +/- factor of 4-6 degrees? I wounder what the factor of error was prior to that???

IT’s all good! We are coming out of an Ice Age Again… temps will fluctuate and my guess is this time coming out of the Ice Age will be slower than in the past as the Earth is Cooling. Our only hope is Man will help with some little bit of Green house gasses to overcome the lack of Volcanic

This graph shows when El-Nino wiped out the dinosaurs in 1998!

This graph shows how dinosaur farts where the leading contributor to greenhouse emissions for the last 400,000 years.

This graph shows that both Batman and Superman have overtaken Santa Clause in printed books in the past 50 years. Surely this is due to climate change.

This graph is a rendering of a skyline in etch-a-sketch. Clearly this shows a trend between auto emissions (see car at bottom) and the amount of ice on polar ice caps:

And, I think this graph is self explanitory:

Let’s be honest though… We don’t need to worry about global warming anymore… We have a good answer for it:

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by on a fishin mission

It was not 1 degree over 400 years. It was a 1-2 sudden change that plunged the world into the ice age that lasted 400 years.
As far as grain, typo on my part. The PRICE of grain rose 400% in a matter of weeks.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

It fluctuates more than that every day before lunch time... You sure only 1 degree can cause an ice age?

That sounds like a great story. A story of a nice drought. Ancient Egypt has untold stories about droughts. It was a drought that essentially wiped out the Egyptian civilization.

There is no way that a 1-2 degree temperature change can wipe out local crops in a country. Most of the charts that you have shown show pretty drastic fluctuations from year to year. So, why don’t the 5 degree changes from year to year have an effect?

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Is that graph using factual data or the Govt manipulated data…

Did everyone but Skinneej fail to notice that we are all going to be incinerated on Friday?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

I noticed…But I need to know what Saturdays temp will be so I can plan accordingly. Will I need to order more dry ice or will there be another mini ice age on Saturday.

my new Signature…and it even looks crazy hot :smiley:

1 Degree</font id=“size3”></font id=“red”>

Originally posted by on a fishin mission

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

So we were responsible for the Holocene Climate Optimum event as well? How can people claim that man is responsible for “global warming” when your graph clearly shows a cyclical trend that has been happening for thousands of years way before we started using hairspray and automobiles?

All the alarmist predictions are based on model outputs - called predictions.
The models predict temperature (a fundamental parameter in global warming, right?).
When the models were new, we didn’t have any actual measured data to test the model forecasts.
The failed hindcasts badly, but, the modelers did a pretty good job of obfuscating that fact. We know better, now. (e.g. The medieval warm period was real and global.)

Now, we have a few decades, more or less, of data since the earliest set of predictions were made. Each subsequent set of predictions released by the IPCC in their reports got smaller and smaller. But, still they assert that human contributions to the greenhouse effect via CO2 are the major drivers with natural processes being largely negligible.

OFM, please note that we now have 17 years and 9 months of highly accurate temperature data that significantly differs from the model predictions.
If you want to refute the significance of that FACT, you must convince none other than Dr. Philip Jones formerly of the U of East Anglia CRU - a leading light in the ‘Warmer’ constellations. He has stated in public on record that we needed 15 yrs of divergence between the models and measured data for the difference to be statistically significant.

We are there. After that, the rest of this my chart/your chart/my guy/your guy stuff is noise. Either the models are useful or they are not.

From an engineer’s point of view, a model that does not accurately model that which it is intend to model is CRAP. Unless there are other sources of evidence of dangerous anthropogenic global warming, this debate is over. There is NO SUBSTANTIAL evidence that anthropogenic contributions to the greenhouse effect is significant.

17’ Henry O Hornet
26’ Palmer Scott

No substantial evidence? All the evidence points to anthropogenic contributions of greenhouse gas. Lets be honest, if there was any evidence suggesting global warming was not real and a hoax it would be presented and the person presenting would be the poster child for the gop and be an instant millionair. Talk shows, fox news, Hannity even the scientific would be all over it. We’re talking Nobel prize winning material. Quess what, there is no evidence that suggests that.
I lay down the challenge that no one could answer last time we had this discussion. Show me 1 peer reviewed and accepted study that disproves climate change and I will donate $100 to the charity of your choice.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

You want people to disprove “climate change” or disprove the myth that man is responsible for climate change? As you have shown in the graph, the climate has been changing for millions of years. Nobody disputes that. The only dispute is man’s effect on climate change.

Disprove climate change. That is funny sh&@.

I want OFM to tell me what greenhouse gases caused the Holocene Climate Optimum in your chart?

Your own chart…never mind

For those of you worried about tomorrow’s wholly crap hot day, I want to point out that today the world will end today.
Look at the this crazy sudden temperature increase. The plague will once again devastate the world. dynasty’s will fall, famine, revolutions…

Originally posted by skinneej

You want people to disprove “climate change” or disprove the myth that man is responsible for climate change? As you have shown in the graph, the climate has been changing for millions of years. Nobody disputes that. The only dispute is man’s effect on climate change.

I’ll start with anthropogenic climate change.

Care to put your money where your mouth is?

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Originally posted by Fishb8

Disprove climate change. That is funny sh&@.

I want OFM to tell me what greenhouse gases caused the Holocene Climate Optimum in your chart?

Your own chart…never mind

But if there is so much evidence, as you suggested earlier, to discredit climate change, where is it. Can you post 1 shread of evidence, peer reviewed, that supports your claim?

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Are you delusional. CLIMATE CHANGE. it happens every hour. He11, your own chart PROVE that climate CHANGE has ALWAYS happened. You can not disprove something that happens naturally. That is just stupid.
The onus is not on proving something that happens naturally. The onus is to prove something that does not happen naturally…Man made.

Now please explain how greenhouse gases caused the Holocene Climate Optimum?

Originally posted by on a fishin mission
Originally posted by Fishb8

Disprove climate change. That is funny sh&@.

I want OFM to tell me what greenhouse gases caused the Holocene Climate Optimum in your chart?

Your own chart…never mind

But if there is so much evidence, as you suggested earlier, to discredit climate change, where is it. Can you post 1 shread of evidence, peer reviewed, that supports your claim?

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Please see for numerous highly substantive criticisms of climate science (many published in peer reviewed journals) and for a litany of references to peer reviewed papers that do just exactly that.

If you are not aware of this academic work, it is because you choose not to look.

17’ Henry O Hornet
26’ Palmer Scott

Originally posted by on a fishin mission

Care to put your money where your mouth is?

Since you are offering to donate $100 to charity and not requiring me to do the same, wouldn't that be me putting YOUR money where your mouth is?

Here is proof that CLIMATE CHANGE happens…


Donate to any cancer charity you wish.