Global warming....The greatest scam

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration?s most accurate, up-to-date temperature data confirm the United States has been cooling for at least the past decade.

Ooops, we meant global cooling.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

They have claimed Global cooling, Global warming, now it is Climate change.
It is a scam that has cost the US Billions if not Trillions in useless spending

Given all of the recent discussions on this, I’m just gonna go ahead and predict 2 maybe 3 pages.

The people that believe in “Climate Change” want to ignore these facts
People that do not believe are tired of arguing about the facts

That’s not new news, from 1999.

While the U.S. has been cooling and getting record rainfall, the rest if the world is heating up.

"The contiguous 48 states cover only 1.5 percent of the world area, so the United States’ temperature does not affect the global temperature much.

2000-2009 was the hottest decade in recorded history.

From the beloved fox news.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

The Foxnews article was based on bogus data by the govt.

NOAA Reinstates July 1936 As The Hottest Month On Record

If 1936 was the hottest month on record…what has happened since then. If we are heating up, why hasn’t that been broken?
Why is the Govt altering history?

You guys, hasn’t OFM already shown us a graph that the entire earth has warmed up 0.4 degrees Celcius in the last 100 years?

At this rate, the Earth will be nothing but a smoldering blob by friday!!!

Originally posted by Fishb8

If 1936 was the hottest month on record…what has happened since then. If we are heating up, why hasn’t that been broken?
Why is the Govt altering history?

climatologically speaking you need to look beyond just one year…what was the decade before and after 1936 doing?

Arctic sea ice loss is one canary in the coal mine worth keeping an eye on…
Arctic sea ice has been melting at break-neck speeds in the past few decades, driven by warming air temperature, warming ocean water temperature, and new, extreme weather patterns, all of which are caused by or accelerated by man-made climate change. Unfortunately, melting sea ice is a slippery slope?once it starts, it’s hard to reverse, and even under normal climate conditions would take centuries to reestablish. The lack of bright white ice on the dark ocean surface is leading to a temperature increase that likely extends beyond the borders of the Arctic, and a breakdown of the polar vortex, which is so critical in maintaining a cold, ice-conducive atmosphere at the pole. Models suggest sea ice will disappear by 2100, but most Arctic sea ice experts are calling for an summertime ice-free Arctic by 2030.

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by Fishb8

If 1936 was the hottest month on record…what has happened since then. If we are heating up, why hasn’t that been broken?
Why is the Govt altering history?

climatologically speaking you need to look beyond just one year…what was the decade before and after 1936 doing?

Arctic sea ice loss is one canary in the coal mine worth keeping an eye on…
Arctic sea ice has been melting at break-neck speeds in the past few decades, driven by warming air temperature, warming ocean water temperature, and new, extreme weather patterns, (1)all of which are caused by or accelerated by man-made climate change. Unfortunately, melting sea ice is a slippery slope?(2)once it starts, it’s hard to reverse, and even under normal climate conditions would take centuries to reestablish. (3)The lack of bright white ice on the dark ocean surface is leading to a temperature increase that likely extends beyond the borders of the Arctic, and a breakdown of the polar vortex, which is so critical in maintaining a cold, ice-conducive atmosphere at the pole. (4)Models suggest sea ice will disappear by 2100, but most Arctic sea ice experts are calling for an summertime ice-free Arctic by 2030.

The Morris Island Lighthouse

  1. That is an assumption, but stated like it was fact in this paragraph.
  2. How do they know this? Are they drawing from their personal experience of the last ice age?
  3. How did they verify this? Sounds like another assumpti

Bonzo, I’m going to go out on a limb here. But since 1936 had the hottest month on record, then it must mean it was cooler before and cooler after that month. In almost 70 years we have not had a month as hot as that month. Hard to believe there is a warming trend.

Originally posted by skinneej

You guys, hasn’t OFM already shown us a graph that the entire earth has warmed up 0.4 degrees Celcius in the last 100 years?

At this rate, the Earth will be nothing but a smoldering blob by friday!!!

Actually, it was a 0.4 degree Celsius change in 30 years which is about a full degree Fahrenheit. As I previously stated, the little ice age was caused by a 1-2 degree Fahrenheit swing and lasted 400 years

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

So the 400 year ice was caused by 1-2 degree change(OMG Climate change has been happening that long). So what makes you think the HEAT age will not be similar? 1-2 degrees over 400 years?

Originally posted by Fishb8

So the 400 year ice was caused by 1-2 degree change(OMG Climate change has been happening that long). So what makes you think the HEAT age will not be similar? 1-2 degrees over 400 years?

If it happens to be similar, it would be disastrous! The great famine, which eliminated 25% of the population of Europe, the plague, which eliminated 75-200 million people, the 30 years war, the collapse of the Ming Dynasty and the French revolution are all connected with the little ice age. An estimated 400 million people died as a result of the ice age.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

a 1 degree temperature change caused all that? Surely you do not believe that.

Do a little research, it all traces back to the little ice age and shortage of food that followed.
During the great faminie, starting in 1315, exceptional rain fall and cooler temperatures caused grain to rise by 400% in a couple months. Salt, the only preservative at the time, couldnt be mined because of the wet weather. Things tail spun from there.
The plague wreaked havoc on the population that was already malnourished which caused poor immune systems.
The Ming Dynasty was overthrown when farmers who were unable to pay taxes because of failed crops and rose up against the dynasty allowing the Mongols to enter and conquer China.
I can go on but have to get a kid to piano.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

1 degree. We are talking about 1 degree over 400 years.
If 1 degree caused grain to rise by 400% in a couple months, then we should be in grain heaven now.
Again, how did the 1 degree cause the plague?
Hum, farmers unable to pay taxes so they rose up against those that taxed them…so that was 1 degree colder, brrr, what about now that it is .4 warmer and the farmers are finding it hard to pay taxes…I know it is global warnings fault.
Or could it possible be that the farmers were tired of pay the high taxes.
Seriously you are saying that some of the biggest events/tragedies in history are the result of 1 degree change

Originally posted by Fishb8

1 degree. We are talking about 1 degree over 400 years.
If 1 degree caused grain to rise by 400% in a couple months, then we should be in grain heaven now.
Again, how did the 1 degree cause the plague?
Hum, farmers unable to pay taxes so they rose up against those that taxed them…so that was 1 degree colder, brrr, what about now that it is .4 warmer and the farmers are finding it hard to pay taxes…I know it is global warnings fault.
Or could it possible be that the farmers were tired of pay the high taxes.
Seriously you are saying that some of the biggest events/tragedies in history are the result of 1 degree change

It was not 1 degree over 400 years. It was a 1-2 sudden change that plunged the world into the ice age that lasted 400 years.
As far as grain, typo on my part. The PRICE of grain rose 400% in a matter of weeks.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Originally posted by on a fishin mission

Actually, it was a 0.4 degree Celsius change in 30 years which is about a full degree Fahrenheit. As I previously stated, the little ice age was caused by a 1-2 degree Fahrenheit swing and lasted 400 years

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Let's see the chart again. I do not remember it that way...
Originally posted by on a fishin mission

It was not 1 degree over 400 years. It was a 1-2 sudden change that plunged the world into the ice age that lasted 400 years.
As far as grain, typo on my part. The PRICE of grain rose 400% in a matter of weeks.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

It fluctuates more than that every day before lunch time... You sure only 1 degree can cause an ice age?

That sounds like a great story. A story of a nice drought. Ancient Egypt has untold stories about droughts. It was a drought that essentially wiped out the Egyptian civilization.

There is no way that a 1-2 degree temperature change can wipe out local crops in a country. Most of the charts that you have shown show pretty drastic fluctuations from year to year. So, why don’t the 5 degree changes from year to year have an effect?