Going "Old School" on them 8/31

Fished the jetties today and caught fish for 6hrs straight with my son and my dad. Had a blast. Luke discovered bream busters this summer and is fascinated with them. He brought a cane (he cut down ) today and we tied it up with braid and he proceeded to wear out the sheephead on it .
He caught at least 10 on his own.

And met The local GWs. He wants to be a GW when he grows up. Not sure of that’s good or bad for me. Guess it depends how tough he is :slight_smile:

Heck yeah …that’s a day he will remember for along time…:wink:

I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!

Very cool. When I first started fishing for sheeps I found a publication on sheepshead. It told of locals fishing structure/trees just off the bank that they could reach with cane poles.

Brings back memories. My first fishing trip and many after that with my grandpa was with a cane pole and drop line fishing for morgans (Warmouth for people that don’t know what that is).

18’ Hewes Bayfisher/115 4 Stroke Yamaha/6’Powerpole, etc

:smiley:Very Nice!

Key West 186Yamaha150 4 stroke
One Day at a time!
Never take life seriuosly. Nobody makes it out alive anyway