going to try new moon and high tide...3-20-15 am

About to be putting in. Little rainy but the fish arent afraid to get wet. its the new moon and high tide so lets just see what happens. Cant catch em if your not out there with them. Let yall know what happens when we get off the water

Good luck. Go Get’em

Ezday- R200 Robalo Y150

Good luck, we’re venturing around tomorrow morning and hopefully staying out of the rain. Let us know how you did.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


I will be out there around 1100. As soon as I can get off of work.

She thinks were just fishin…

Godspeed. I’ve cancelled the last 3 days of fishing trips. Sucks when spring break kicks up and mother nature joins her.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Got a little late start…time to see what mother nature has planned for us…thanks yall ill let you know

Keep your lines tight and remember. Respect the fish and your fellow fisherman. Know the Code.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

Godspeed. I’ve cancelled the last 3 days of fishing trips. Sucks when spring break kicks up and mother nature joins her.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Know the code!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Well we went out the wando way to check out a few creeks for reds since it was the flood tide. Guess we got to spot to late or either went about this whole high pressure day all wrong. Didnt even see one red or the little schools we’ve been seeing but it wasnt a total bust. Was throwing some cut mullet and some zman mullet baits. Only had bites on the artificial. Ended up catching a few trout and flounder. All kind of small…most the flounder were only 12". Flounder got tagged and released and trout just got released.

Captfritz: i see why the trips were cancelled lol.

23sailfish: hopefully tomorrow will be better for you then it was for us today…guess we need to find out where they went lol

Did i go about things all backwards with the bar pressure being high?

Anybody else that went out today have any luck?

Keep your lines tight and remember. Respect the fish and your fellow fisherman. Know the Code.

23sailfish: do you by any chance fish in the IFA or lowcountry redfish cup? If so i think ive meet you the last few tournaments of last year? Jw

Keep your lines tight and remember. Respect the fish and your fellow fisherman. Know the Code.

I used to fish redfish tournaments all the time, but after Raddaddy whipped me last year, I vowed to never fish another tournament again.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I used to fish redfish tournaments all the time, but after Raddaddy whipped me last year, I vowed to never fish another tournament again.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Was it that bad of a beat down? Lol. Last year was my first year in the IFA and fished the last LRC bc didnt know about it before then. Are there any other tournaments around here for redfish or inshore tournaments?

Keep your lines tight and remember. Respect the fish and your fellow fisherman. Know the Code.

Man I can’t wait to get out there and fish the flood tide! Coolest and most exciting way to catch redfish in my opinion. Good luck tomorrow if you are heading out…hopefully the tails will be waving.

Connor Malark

Allenhawk: did you have any luck today when you made it out?

23sailfish: nice work on your photos btw. Really like the one of the red tailing half way out the water.

I also have a few “Respect the Fish” stickers they gave me to pass out. If you would be interested in one let me know. esp some boats that are going to get the word out and spread it

Keep your lines tight and remember. Respect the fish and your fellow fisherman. Know the Code.

Originally posted by RedFish4

Man I can’t wait to get out there and fish the flood tide! Coolest and most exciting way to catch redfish in my opinion. Good luck tomorrow if you are heading out…hopefully the tails will be waving.

Connor Malark

Yeah i have a feeling we prob should of went to the flats today…would be nice if they were. i miss seeing “Larry” waving to me saying “im right here”

Keep your lines tight and remember. Respect the fish and your fellow fisherman. Know the Code.

I haven’t fished here in a long time, going out to IOP tomorrow afternoon, any suggestions on the low tide?

2008 War Eagle 15ft
1995 Johnson 25hp

Might see you out there. Was prob heading that way in the am. What type of fishing are you trying to do? Live bait or artificial? We like to try to stalk some of the trapped reds if you have a boat to get skinny in. If not then i know a lot of people will find a creek mouth with movement along the ICW and anchor up. Unless you are lucky enough to get stuck in a pond with a nice school. Has happened to us but you would of thought the fishes moths were wired shut and didnt want nothing

Keep your lines tight and remember. Respect the fish and your fellow fisherman. Know the Code.

In the 90s I would catch finger mullet in the fall and use them, I haven’t fished this time of year before. I have picked up some Trout eye jigs, Trout trick and DOA shrimp to try. How and where can you get live bait this time of year? What live bait do you use? This is mostly a scouting trip to get back in the game.

My WarEagle can get pretty low with a push pole.

Thanks for the info … I’m ready to get back in the game#128512;

2008 War Eagle 15ft
1995 Johnson 25hp

We barely use live bait bc you can only fish artificial in the tournaments. But when we do weve been finding mullet with a mix of some pin fish right off the ICW coming out of IOP Marina and throwing the cast neton them, but isn’t always there. And if thats the case will use frozen finger mullet (from IOP Marian) or some shrimp from the freezer from last shrimping season. Maybe someone else can tell you where they are bc ive been over in wando past few days.

Let me know how those jigs and trout tricks do. Ive been hearing good things about them but just seem to not be able to make it anywhere to get them and if i do they are out…i put in a order for some and a few other things off the website… guess my mail man needed some new fishing gear more than i did…but sucks bc was looking forward to them after reading all the good reviews and reports about them. :roll_eyes:

Keep your lines tight and remember. Respect the fish and your fellow fisherman. Know the Code.