Goldendoodle Breeder

Hey Gang,

I think it’s time for a family dog this Christmas. We have settled on a goldendoodle or labradoodle. Can anyone recommend a good breeder in the area that won’t completely break the bank. I’m ok traveling a few hours to find one. Thanks everyone!

You can get banned from this site for using words like “goldendoodle” or “labradoodle”… You need to watch it!!!

Don’t mind Skinneej, he doesn’t get out of the swamp much.

Great family dogs, and a real relief for those who don’t handle dog dandruff well.

I’ve been around long enough not to get phased by Skinneej. He’s a little delusional right now anyway after that fancy Samsung refrigerator purchase.

You’ll need one too since labradoodles only drink perrier or filtered water.

We have a golden doodle and she is the best dog I have ever had. Those previous dogs are labs and goldens. We bought ours from

Great people to work with. 5 years and healthy as can be.

$2k for a golden with kinky hair? Wow, for that kind of money he’d have to not only bring me the paper, he’d have to read it to me … :wink:

Not sure a dog should even have the word “doodle” in it’s name.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I’m with DF. That will make you loose your man card :smiley: I’ve got a Goldenrussel. Dang good little dog and a pure hunter.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Cracker, you should give that dog’s daddy a pat on the head. That’s quite an accomplishment for such a little dog.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

I pat his head many times a day, he’s a very good hunter too but his daughter is faster and more agile. Nothing that crawls, flies, wiggles or runs are safe in my yard.

This is her Daddy and her, when she was still a pup. He’s actually not a Golden, but a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Best dog I’ve ever had, he was a rescue. I got real lucky with him. He’s so smart that he knows what I’m thinking before I do, and does what I think. Heck of a smart dog. Don’t have to tell him anything, he knows what I want him to do and he does it. Remarkable dog.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Along the same lines, I saw on the news yesterday that a government study has determined that dogs are much smarter than first thought and that they understand almost every word. Duh. But they went on to say that further studies are necessary to see if it’s really true :question:

Wonder how much they spent on that study, and have budgeted for the next one? I think my dogs are smarter than our government is. I talk to my dogs like people, they know exactly what I’m saying, they can even spell a lot of words. And count too.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I remember when the cross bred dogs were called MUTTS and sometimes you couldn’t give them away.I do know several folks who have the Doodle breeds and think they are a fine dogs. My buddy in Charlotte has a Sheppard and Poodle mix and he is smart as a whip,maybe a bit to smart, and he is a biggie boy when he was only six months old he could set his head on their kitchen counter.He is being trained as a service dog, she takes him to schools and events with Special Needs children.

Check out countrygirlkennels,
My wife and I picked up 2 new puppys sat 9/10.
Beautiful black golden Doodle pups.