Hey Everyone. Good to see the site is still here. Havent been on the site in a long time and was wondering if Charlestonfishing.com was still active. For those that remember me, Ive started my own seafood business and be busy but still try and get down on the coast and do some inshore fishing. Coming down to Charleston this weekend and plan on doing some fishing for the first time in a while.
Hope to get on the sheeps this weekend and have a good post again for yall. Good to see some of my buddies still in the group. Hope to see and hear from all of you soon.
Yeeesssss sirrrr. Its me. How you been buddy. Been a long time for sure. Glad to see the group is still running. I be having guys asking me about fishing Charleston and i use to tell them about the group and how helpful it was. Now i can letnthem know its active and to join. About to make me a trip down this weekend and try and get on some fish and do some business at the same time…
Most definitely. I been hitting Santee lately up in the swamps fishing but about to get back started on the saltwater now. Yeah we can go. Hit me up. Yeah i normally do pop ups around different counties setting up since i went and got all of my business licenses to sell seafood now. Will be back in the Upstate this weekend selling then bouncing around. Ready to get some fishingbin this weekend though. Miss my fishing spots in Charleston. Hope the sheephead act right this weekend
Hey whats going on DFreedom? Good to hear from you. Yeah hopefully the group gets back to the good learning to like it was if it aint already there. Good guys and gals and a good, valuable learning tool for inshore and offshore fishing
Yes Pea, I was there. Giant nothing burger. Cold, rainy, windy and dreary. Only 2 shootings and they both occurred off the blvd. It looked like an average winter weekend.
Me and bonzo have taken up competitive pickleball. We’ve had some moral victories and some brutal pummeling by tan shriveled old broads. They’re more agile than they look