Gonna get a vise

Gonna get a vise to tie my own stuff. Gettin the terra rotary vise from one of our wonderful local shops. I have about $50 give not take some $… what materials should I need for gettin started tying? I fish freshwater bass and stuff as well

Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc

Start with an assortment of hooks of the size and type you need for saltwater flies and a few dumbbell eyes. Since you are on a limited budget, I would decide on about 4 or 5 flies you want to have and look up the recipes and only buy the tying supplies for those flies for now. You’ll need to invest in tools also. Welcome to another addiction, you’ll end up with so much tying material you’ll have to continually tell yourself how much money you are saving.
Here is the old antique file cabinet I use to store most (but no all) of my materials, and I continue to buy more!

I plan on living forever, so far so good

Egret 167, Etec 130
Wood Driftboat

I also am looking at a vise. Thinking about stopping into LCF this weekend and seeing what they have. Want to start tying my own.

Scout '282
tidewater '21

Oscar '10

The Peak vises will be in soon… I have one and I fell in love with it…

“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
Charleston Director- www.SCKayakfishing.com
Tarpon 160os

Love these fly tyin vids… Metal and tyin ha!
Just these little “crabs” are awesome. Strip or let 'em set. Fresh water bass love them too

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mustad 34007 hooks, small lead eyes, bead chain, bobbin holder, bobbin, tan, white, and black bucktail, crystal flash…tie clousers and catch fish. expand when you get proficient with clousers…but they will work all winter. tan & white and all black will do the trick.