On the board with a wide 6-point. Trailing a doe, 20 seconds to pick a shot and take it.
Pioneer 197SF
On the board with a wide 6-point. Trailing a doe, 20 seconds to pick a shot and take it.
Good job. It always feels good to get the first one down.
Nice! Been seeing a few nice ones being taken this week.
Helped pull a bumper out of a front tire of a log truck yesterday from a large 8 point and then about 20 miles up the road a lady had totaled her range rover on a beautiful 8 point. Right at day break. Guess those guys are sniffing around.
Just a ramble, if you want to to butcher a Fresh road kill the easiest way I’ve found is straight on your tailgate run your knife down it’s back peel back skin take out backstrap and hams, roll over and do the same, never busting into stomach cavity. pruning shears work well for breaking leg bones. If it is bruised really bad take your knife and jab in the meat in a few places. Put the hams and backstraps in a cooler cover with water and add a good handful of salt to help draw out blood. let sit over night. Good to go for how ever you want to process.
Sheesh, you must be starving:face_with_spiral_eyes:
No man! I eat better than I disserve! Dang wife is a gourmet cook. Really. If I do any road kill, it’s on me to fix. I’m not getting one all gut busted, but waste not want not.
Edit: I’ll fix you some fried mud fish (bow fin bass) and not tell you what it is… You’ll like it. Or do a cat fish stew using it… Strike that, I would never give anyone food that I fibbed on. Prep in all meat means like or dislike IMO, but even so I’d never cook a possum… Unless I was starving to death.
Hey man, Have a great weekend!!!
Haha, it’s all good man. Had to mess with that one:+1: