I’ve been using a shrimp pattern to try to catch seatrout with no success. Is this a good pattern to use? How should it be presented?
Dead stick it on the bottom with slow, slow movement.
Or, depending on the type of shrimp pattern it is, you could tie on a crease fly (or any other topwater fly) and attach the shrimp to the hook bend with some fluoro. Use it like you would a DOA with a poppin’ cork.
I would use a clouser or Mad Mikes Mud Minnow ( the M4)… The M4 is D-E-A-D-L-Y…
“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
Charleston Director- SCKayakfishing.com
Tarpon 160os
1/0 Electric Chicken clouser minnow, the end
chart. and white deep clouser…
dead drifted.
the end end.
“There’s gonna be a fiesta…”
stretch, that is hilarious! i watched that kid flip bout 10 times!!
i have been destroying the trout on BIG Gaudy clousers. reely destroying them. i dont know the names of all the stuff i tie them with, but they are trailer park trashy and flashy