Good penninsula restaurants: cook your catch?

Got buddies coming to town in May and doing a day offshore. They’re interested in having some of the days catch prepared by a restaurant downtown.
Anyone know where we could do this?
Also, what’s the best way to ship fish back up to them?

2014 Key West 203DFS
1987 Landau

There are a hat full of laws that will prevent this. All the seafood in the business must come from a licensed seafood dealer. Also the chain of liability - insurance regs.

Don’t quote me, but I think I remember folks talking about the Waters Edge on#8203; Shem Creek may do this.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

I’ve heard of the Variety Store restaurant at the city marina doing this but have never done it personally. Maybe worth a phone call.

19’ American Skiff Coral Bay

Styrofoam cooler and dry ice works the best for shipping. dry ice will last for days and you can get it at most harris teeters and ice cream suppliers.

There are a couple of resteraunst in the outer Banks that will cook your catch, but I don’t know of any local?

Rod holder mounted hibachi and grill it on the boat. ?

“Why Bruce?”

Common in the Caribbean. Not sure here.

I’m pretty sure the Crab House right next to Wappoo landing does this.

But of course, that is not peninsular

Nobody can do it legally. No restaurant would take that liability from the general public.

yep, Crab House on Wapoo does this…was there yesterday…they have it on the menu for $11.99…bring your cleaned fish, they will cook it for you. They have cleaning tables on the dock, so you can clean and filet your catch right there, then take it to them…

Originally posted by Manamana

yep, Crab House on Wapoo does this…was there yesterday…they have it on the menu for $11.99…bring your cleaned fish, they will cook it for you. They have cleaning tables on the dock, so you can clean and filet your catch right there, then take it to them…

Dang, hope that comes with sides. :smiley:

“Why Bruce?”

Here you go, directly from their menu: