Good stuff

ya’ll gotta check this stuff out… One item at a time but they usually have great deals… I picked up a brand new Willy Joe chest pack for $32… some of the stuff is straight up freshwater trout stuff but there are enough of ya’ll who still cahse little fish that ya might find a deal for yerself :wink:

“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
SC Chapter Coordinator- Heroes on the Water
Charleston Director-
Tarpon 160os

Been stalkin that site myself for some time now. Haven’t found anything of immediate need, but there are some really good deals

There is no normal life, there’s just life.

Tarpon 140

Knot the Reel World Fly Fishing LLC

How long do they leave the same thing that no one wants to buy up there before they change to something else?

Pillage and plunder with a 9wt and a fist full of clousers.

I think until they sell all of the item that no one wants. I have looked at it in the past with no luck. Red truck has pretty good deals.