Good to meet me sometimes

I have had an entertaining day today.
Went to the bank to cash a couple checks. Handed the cashier my ATM card and my ID. She asked do you have an account with us? I pointed at the bank card. Again sir do you have an account with us. Again I pointed at the ATM card. She finally figured it out. She got my checks and run them through the little machine and then asked me for my social security number. My response was plain and simple. NO! Sorry I need your social security number. Again NO.
Manager come up punched a couple buttons she cashed my checks.
Went to pull out of the parking lot. There was a group of several people walking down the sidewalk. Large people. I waved them on. Car behind me blew their horn. I told the people go ahead and go I can’t see around you. One of the ladies in the group flipped on me cussed me out. You think that’s funny to make fun of big people. Ma’am not making fun of anyone you are a large group of people I cannot see around y’all.
Coming home I passed a car on the off ramp. He was driving about 15 mph on his phone. Road was wet the back tire slipped a little bit so I nailed it and dirt tracked it around the ramp on to sea mountain highway. It was a rent a cop and his patrol car. National security I think was the name on the car He pulled up to me with his four ways on at the light and jumped out. Screaming at me to pull off to the side of the road.
I laughed at him and told him the best thing he could do is go back and play his video games and his mama’s basement. He was probably mid-twenties and about 250 lb . Big around as he was tall.
So you ask what did I do. Hahaha
The light changed I lit it up all the way through third gear. Big old cloud of smoke. Laughed all the way home.
All in all pretty good day hung around the shop most of the day got paid to work on my own stuff

Nice lol

I think we would have a fun fishing… whenever you get down this way, give me a shout if you wanna make a trip.

Fishing Nerd

“No bar, no pinball machines, no bowling alleys, just pool… nothing else.”

…well, some fishing too!

Yep, seeing idiots getting called out always makes my day.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]