Got out right at low tide. Went back into dunn sound water was real dirty. Made the move to Bonaparte Creek area. Ran across a fellow that had been trolling for a couple hours he had several trout. Water too low to get back where I wanted to go hit several spots nothing. Water finally come up enough to get into the back creeks. Found these folks I believe they’ve may have been there for quite a while.

Found a few reds but they were holding so tight to the oysters could not get a bait to them without dropping it right on their head. Managed to speak quite a few but didn’t catch a thing. Oh well it was a pretty day. The water temp in the icw was 56.Back in the creeks before the tide started pushing in real hard was 59.

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.
Yeah I know that spot…you only have a few hours to navigate that creek.
Hope the nats weren’t out!
He might have been fishing that deep hole out there in there in the marsh. You know about that OTC?
Right where he’s at is a pretty good hole. also where I forked off to the left there’s some pretty good spots back there also. Old boy was back there for a good while.It was probably another hour after I took that picture before he could get across that shell Bank To get out. I’m guessing he had been stuck there for at least 5 hours. And he had three kids on the boat. That would have been no fun. That’s pretty good fishing back in there. Not much pressure. not many people dumb enough to go back there and take the chance of getting hung up. And right where I took that picture from in the summertime about mid incoming tide is a good spot.
I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.
If I’m not mistaken, thats the creek closest to B I, right? If so, there is a super deep hole where the creek makes a sharp right towards the ocean. Right after you make that right turn and are headed right towards the dunes, there is a hole to your left in the marsh that, unless you walk at low tide, or kayak at high tide, its unaccessible. I was told by a reliable source that it holds fish in the winter. I havent tried it yet…its just so skinny in there. You can see it on google maps.
It’s the next Creek after Bonaparte. Across from the old dock at Bird island.I think where you’re talkin about is go straight at the dock instead of turning left into that Creek. Just take a left follow that Creek all the way back to the flat and just keep going. And if you take the left just before the flat that will run you all the way back to the waterway. But that’s pretty tough too.
I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.