Got2Go 8/18/14...Jacks gone wild!

Just thought I’d pass on what I say today as I was riding around with the family before school starts. Upper Cooper River, from 526 to mouth of Yellowhouse saw multiple schools of jacks crashing menhaden. Biggest school easily 50yds x 50yds at the mouth of Goose Creek, about an hour or 2 with the outgoing tide. I had nothing in the boat to catch them with as I only carried #10 size hooks and bream corks today as we had a ball with the pinfish. Most of the fish looked 3-7lbs as they busted all around us for at least 15 minutes as the boat just idled through them. Fun times if you’ve never experienced it.

they are only there if you arn’t looking for them

Pioneer 197

Originally posted by TTKarl

they are only there if you arn’t looking for them

Pioneer 197

Ain't that the truth

should have tried to catch one on the bream rod! that would have been a hoot! :smiley:

lets fish soon buddy

“mr keys”

I happened upon some and just saw their black fins sticking out. They would not eat a chug bug or spook. Maybe since they were not actively feeding, they woulf not bight.

J. Simmons
22 EdgeWater “Badfish”

You sure they were jacks? I’ve been seeing schools of big ladyfish crashing bait on the surface over that way. Lots of fun on topwater. When I started seeing them a few weeks ago, I was surprised that they were ladyfish as some of the busts on top looked pretty big. I hope they were jacks, but given the scarcity of jacks for the last 10 years or so, I’m thinking those same ladyfish are more likely.

They were jacks, 100%. I was over 40ft of water and had them coming out of the water for over 15 minutes withing 10ft of my boat. I know they have been scarce, but I promise you sir, these were jacks, 100%. Thanks for doubting me and now I understand more and more why others don’t post as much any more.

Originally posted by Got2Go

They were jacks, 100%. I was over 40ft of water and had them coming out of the water for over 15 minutes withing 10ft of my boat. I know they have been scarce, but I promise you sir, these were jacks, 100%. Thanks for doubting me and now I understand more and more why others don’t post as much any more.

Want some cheese with that???

15’ War Eagle w/60 Evin.

There are blues, trout, ladys and jacks in those groups.

Originally posted by Got2Go

They were jacks, 100%. I was over 40ft of water and had them coming out of the water for over 15 minutes withing 10ft of my boat. I know they have been scarce, but I promise you sir, these were jacks, 100%. Thanks for doubting me and now I understand more and more why others don’t post as much any more.

Sorry, I guess I came across the wrong way. Like I said, I sure hope they were jacks.